Chapter 14

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Just to let all my dedicated readers know, I have traditionally published my first book.

Legacy of Ages: Book One: The Way to Ejept.

A compelling story of a young Archaeologist just starting his career when he stumbles upon his Grandfathers secret to finding hidden chambers throughout Egypt. He struggles to understand it till his physics major girlfriend enables him to figure it all out.

Back cover.

The sun was streaming through the window of the attic highlighting the small dust particles as they floated to the floor. Ron climbed the last couple of steps to his grandfather's sanctuary. He looked around the almost hallowed space before reaching the top. The entire attic was an open work space of the house on the cliff that was built in the mid-1800s, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean of Eastern North America. The look of the attic and the memory of his grandfather came rushing back to him. Ron had no idea what would transpire over the next few weeks as he uncovered his grandfather's secrets. Secrets that led to ancient mysteries and the hall of knowledge buried in Egypt thousands of years ago to preserve it for the time when it would be needed.

That time is now.

This book can be found on all major worldwide platforms.

I trust that you will enjoyreading it as much as I have in writing it.

Jane had spent the last part of the week getting ready for the presentation she was due to give the Board of Directors at the Firm. She had the charts that showed the healing curve of Christopher's Nanos and an explanation of how they had accomplished such an amazing feat. The success of the test on Christopher was better than she could have hoped for, and she felt confident that the Board would see her accomplishments as a good reason to allocate more funding for the next stage of the project, which is to be able to control the Nanos when inserted into a healthy brain.

Jane sat in the waiting room with her lap top beside her as she absently looked through the fashion magazines on the low coffee table in front of her. The buzzer on the desk beside the receptionist beeped, causing her to look up anxiously. The petite blond behind the desk, that she is sure was hired more for her looks than any other abilities, reaches over to depress the button. A voice comes from the small speaker. "Please send in Miss Dolts now." She turns and smiles sweetly to confirm Jane's suspicion, before pointing to the double doors behind her and slightly to the side. "They will see you now. There is a chair at the end of the oval table, that is where you can give your presentation from. Please do not keep them waiting."

Jane wants to smirk at the boldness of the woman's remarks, but instead smiles and gets up, grabbing her laptop case as she does. "Thank you for your help," she says as politely as possible, but the receptionist has already turned back to her screen and does not acknowledge her comment.

Jane opens the door and steps into the room, which is larger than her apartment. Floor to ceiling windows dominate the back wall, as book shelves and a counter take up the space on the two walls to each side. A quick glance shows the tables to either side of the door she just entered from are covered in smooth white table cloths, accented with ruffled skirts around the front and side edges. Finger food and pitchers of juice, that are moist on the side from the ice covering the top of the liquid, are arranged near the door. Cylindrical coffee and hot water containers are positioned at the end of each row of tables with cups and saucers stacked ready for anybody who may want something hot to drink. She has no idea of what the food is from her quick glance, so instead focuses her attention on the assembled board members. Of course, at the head of the table sitting by himself, is Mr. Justin Crone, the head of the Firm, then Mr. Ron Donahue, her boss and department head of the Nano research division, sits to his right. The rest of the board members, of which there must be about thirty of them, sit and watch her approach the opposite end of the table from Justin Crone.

A. I. Evolution: The Coming of ChristopherWhere stories live. Discover now