Chapter 47

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Henri moves deeper into the luxurious quarters, barely noticing the priceless art hanging on the walls, the gold of the door knobs, and wall mounted light switches. He is totally focused on his charge, the lovely woman sitting on the chair in the corner. He knocks on the door frame to get Jane's attention. She turns at the sound.

"May I come in?"

Jane raises her head and stares for a moment at the handsome man who is talking. It is obvious that she had been deep in thought and was not expecting visitors, as she manages to get out, "I guess so, but Christopher is out in the main room."

Henri smiles at her confusion. "I am not here to see him. He is the responsibility of Pope Pius and the Cardinals now."

Jane forces a smile at her guest. "So, are you saying that I am your responsibility? Well if that is the case, then you might as well turn around and go back to what you were doing, because I don't need anybody watching over me."

"Ah, but you see, I don't have any choice in the matter. I have been assigned to keep you company and look after anything you might need now or in the future."

Jane sits up straighter and relaxes some as she smiles sweetly. "Well, I definitely don't need a nursemaid!"

Henri smiles his best disarming look. "How about a male escort, then?"

Jane leans back in her chair, becoming even more relaxed as she looks over the handsome man standing casually in the doorway to her bedroom. "In America, that statement means more than just a friendly companion, but an encounter that is a little more intimate. I hope that is not your intent, because my boyfriend is standing in the other room, and he is not someone to trifle with."

Henri throws up his hands. "You have me, fair maiden. I have only been assigned to help and protect you, if need be, but I see that you are very capable of looking after yourself, so a friend is what I offer you now."

Jane finishes slumping in her chair. "A friend is what I need. This whole situation is more than I can fathom right now."

"Then I shall be there to help you through this challenging time," Henri says, as he bows slightly from the waist. "May I enter your bedchamber, Madame?"

"Oh, you're not going to give up easily, are you?" Jane responds, as she motions Henri into the bedroom.

Henri enters and pulls a chair like the one Jane is relaxing in, from across the room to right in front of hers and sits down on the edge of the seat. "I should introduce myself."

"I would think so if you are going to get this close to a girl in her own bedroom."

Henri sits up straight on the edge of the chair. "Madame, my name is Henri de Salis, and I am the second in command of the Pontifical Swiss Guard here at the Vatican. I was in a study period for my future rise to becoming the thirty sixth Commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. In the meantime, I have been assigned to assist you and protect you with my life, if necessary."

Jane is speechless for a moment as she considers Henri's credentials. She looks to the window and then back to Henri, clearly consigning herself to the idea of having a personal guard looking out for her. "If you're trying to flatter a girl, I would say that you were successful. Now, can you please tell me what the heck is going on around here. I came here yesterday to share in Christopher's good fortune to be summoned by the Pope himself, only to find out that he has been Sainted and raised to a level equal to or above the Pope of the whole Catholic Church."

"Ah, I think I understand your confusion now," starts Henri.

"Do you think! Yesterday, I was a simple scientist working on my life's work, but today, I have one of the Swiss Guards ready to throw down his life for me, and my boyfriend is now a Saint. What more can possibly happen?"

Henri smiles his best disarming smile. "How about something to eat. The pie is very good here at the Palace. The cooks make a great coconut cream pie, and I could smell the freshness of them when I passed by the kitchens."

The change in conversation does the trick, and Jane gives in easily. She throws up her hands. "Might as well. I am not coming up with any answers sitting here."

They both get up and head back into the main room to see Christopher and James getting ready to head out to their meeting with the Cardinals. Henri speaks up. "I am going to take Jane down to the kitchens for some fresh pie. Please don't worry about her, sir, I will look after her."

I turn to face them. I smile at Jane first before turning my attention to Henri as I turn serious. "Thank you, but be warned, she is a very independent woman." I turn back to face Jane. "Are you ok?"

"I will be if you don't throw me any more curve balls. I have had enough for one day, thank you."

I smile at her. "I wish I could promise you that, but it is not over yet. Although, soon everything will be made clear to you and the rest of the world."

I turn and head for the door before Jane can ask any more questions, because I am already a little late for my meeting in the hall below our new quarters.

Henri waits till James and I have left before he steps to the side and motions Jane to proceed him out into the hall, which she does as he follows her.

Henri talks briefly to the two guards outside the door, instructing them to keep the quarters secure, and suggests that one of them remain in the rooms to make sure nobody gets in to surprise them upon their return.

"Will do, Sir," the leader of the two barks out.

Henri leads Jane to the elevators and motions for one of the guards there to call the elevator for them, which he does and then steps in with them. They place Jane between them and watch closely as the doors open at the bottom, making sure the way is safe for Jane to exit the small elevator.

The whole procedure makes Jane nervous, because they are being so cautious. "What has Christopher got himself into," she thinks again.

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