Chapter 43

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A knocking on the door to my room brings me back from my inner travels. I get up stiffly from staying still for so long, and cross to the door. I open it to see Cardinal James Gomez standing there in the dimly lit hallway, with Jane standing behind him, smiling from ear to ear. The mood she is in seems out of place here in the solemn quiet structure, but it lifts my heart greatly, putting a smile on my face.

I quickly step aside and let James in, followed by Jane as he swings her suitcase onto the low seat at the foot of the other bed from the one I had just vacated. James stands up straight and turns, before stopping to smile at us, picking up on the connection between the two of us. He clears his throat, as his face turns serious again, and he looks pointedly at me. "I hope I don't need to remind you of our talk earlier today?"

I almost laugh at his serious face but check myself. "No, we will be good and not disturb the other guests."

James nods his head. "Good. I will return tomorrow when Pope Pius is ready to meet with you. Please have a good night's sleep."

Jane watches him leave and turns to me as soon as the door closes. "What was that all about; what did you mean about being good?"

I look down on her. "This is a place of celibacy, and the good Cardinal is afraid we might be a bad influence on the devout members of the church."

"I see," says Jane. "I think that is even more reason to let our wild desires free to roam the nights silence."

"I would normally agree with you, but tomorrow is going to be an important day for both of us, and our future could very well be determined by its outcome."

Jane pulls back from me suspiciously. "Why, what do you think is going to happen?"

"Well, if I have the backing of the Pope, then my career will soar even higher than it already is. But on the other hand, if he condemns my speeches and publicly denounces me, then we could plunge like a rock in the ocean. The Pope has just that kind of power."

Jane shakes her head. "No, I don't think that is what this is all about. I think that he is concerned about the rumors that are circulating about you being some kind of savior to the people."

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know about that, but you're right that it is because of my popularity. I guess we will find out tomorrow. But, right now, there is supposed to be a plate of food for you in the main hall downstairs, so why don't we go get you looked after before turning in for the night. I want to be well rested before I meet with Pius."

"OK, but I think you know more than you're letting on, much more. I think you have been working on this for years now, and it is finally coming together."

I feign surprise. "Are you saying that I have been manipulating people and events to meet my own agenda?"

"I know you, Christopher Stronge, and you don't do anything that you have not already planned for down to the last detail," says Jane, as she gently taps the side of my head. "Don't forget that I was the one who designed these little workers in your head. I have come to understand what they have turned you into, and it has made me fall hopelessly in love with you."

I reach down and kiss her tenderly on the lips, as she melts into my arms. She lets the feelings go for a second before she starts to push against my solid chest. "Please, what would the neighbors say if they were to catch us doing that?"

I smile and shake my head at her. "Let's get to the hall so we can feed and water you before putting you down for the night."

We move out into the hall and Jane leans in close to me, whispering. "Where is Wong's room, and will he be joining us downstairs?" I point down the opposite end of the hallway from the stairwell. "His is the third one down from our room, and he said that he had things to do tonight and would not be available to meet with us."

"That sounds very mysterious of him."

"Well, he has not been the same the last few months, and I am not sure what has gotten into him." I pull Jane towards the stairs and we head down to the meal James had arranged for her to eat, when she arrived.

Jane quickly eats the meal of grilled chicken and rice covered in a red savory sauce, with a glass of red wine to wash it all down, because for her it is the middle of the night where she has just flown from. The room is quiet when they return from the hall and they quickly get ready for bed and each take one of the single beds set against opposite walls.

The morning comes early for them as the church bells ring out at six in the morning, heralding the start of a new day and time for the faithful to attend morning prayers in the chapel at the opposite side of the building from the main hall. I get up and kiss her gently, letting her know that I need to go down with the rest of the faithful, and that she should sleep till I get back. She nods her head sleepily and closes her eyes again.

I slip from the room, dressed in a simple robe that most of the other fathers wear. I follow the crowd to the chapel and kneel with them. We repeat the words before praying silently in-between the devotional prayers given by various speakers from the group. I am looked at suspiciously, but after sending out a mental image of a man spreading the word of God, I am silently welcomed into their midst.

Then, after the morning prayer, I greet some of the others around me, and soon we are old friends as I pull them into my circle of influence. I get back to the room to find Jane still sleeping soundly, so I reach out to Wong and find him just entering his room. He seems tired and sore, making me wonder what he was up to, but dismiss the matter from my mind.

Jane stirs at my presence, as she opens her eyes and smiles. "This is what I want; to wake up every morning, seeing you first before the day invades my mind."

I smile at her. "I would like that also, but right now, we have to get to breakfast before they close the doors to the dining hall on us. They are very strict with their schedules here at the Vatican.

Jane gets up and dresses in plain pants and a loose-fitting shirt that does not broadcast her female form to the devout males as I climb back into my normal clothes. In minutes, we are back down at the table in the Main hall, one of the last to get any breakfast. We eat slowly because we have time before my meeting with Pope Pius just after lunch. Jane looks around but does not see Wong in the hall. "Do you know where Wong is right now?"

I, of course, know exactly where he is. He is sleeping fitfully in his room, which causes a small smile to form at the corners of my mouth, but I force myself to look concerned and turn to her. "I'm not sure. I would suspect that he is in his room. I know he brought some of his books with him. He is probably reading again. It seems to be all he does these days."

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