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Right now I was back stage trying not to listen to Jahs emotion speech it always makes me cry.

Clarebear😤🖤 wants to FaceTime

Accept Decline


Clare's face immediately filled up the screen.

"What's up Elle?"

"Nun I'm bout to leave one of his shows."

"Cool Cool when you gon be back?"

"Umm either tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Alright cause tomorrow we all finna go out to eat so I wanted to see if you were gon be here."

"Yeah well I should be home tomorrow."

"Eleanor!" Josh yelled

"Yes." I said with a grin cause this boy is so goofy and he's always making somebody laugh

"You gon be here tomorrow? I miss your big tomato tower body built headass

"I know you not talking witchyo thunder thigh Thursday headass"

"Man whatever!" He yelled

I saw X coming back so I knew I had to go.

"Alright y'all I'll see you tomorrow." I said waving

"Ard bye." They said

I ended the call and face X.

"Who was that?" He asked a little mad

"My brothers that's all?" I chuckled a lil

"Ok uh let's go."


We went back to the hotel and we just so happened to pass by a Starbucks.

"Aye you owe me a cake pop remember?"

"No. No I do not." He said continuing to drive

"Jahseh!" I whined

He drove past it and I slapped his thigh.

"Ahhhggggggggg" (Like how he did when he got tased)

Then he slapped my thigh back.


"That's what you get." He said pulling into the hotel garage

Once he was parked we walked into the hotel.

"Um your Jahseh Onfroy right?" The front desk lady asked she was standing with another lady she looked older maybe a mom?

*Jahsehs POV*

I saw the lady who asked me to be quite when I was a fucking a bitch

"Yeah?" I asked suspiciously

"Well um you've been accused of stealing someone's ring? I don't know if you know anything about it or-"

"Hol I ain't steal no ring. I clearly don't need to."

Look at me! (In all seriousness NO PUN intended) a pair of all black concord 11s a Gucci collard shirt some jeans and a bunch of metals and chains.

"Well me you two and the person who accused you can all watch the footage back or the police can do a room search."

"Woah but how do we know they did just lose it?"

"Cause their door was open and she knew for sure that she put it on her nightstand."

"Um I know he didn't steal the ring cause he was with me the whole time." Eleanor said stepping in

"Let's just watch the tape!" I said

She took us all into the back room that had a bunch of Tvs in it.


"When did you say it went missing?" The lady asked

"Around 12:00. Cause I woke up and I always check to make sure it's still there"

I rolled my eyes and waited for her to play the tape.

"Alright Let's Skip to 12." She said rewinding the tape

We all looked at TV and my dumbass completely forgot. About last night when me and Eleanor was talking.

"Uh E-Elle I left my phone in the car can you please get it for me?" I asked


Yes. I gave her the keys and she didn't go anywhere. So I just looked at her.

"Are going to get my phone ooorrrr?"

"Yeah just give me a minute." She said focusing on the TV

I sighed and watched along with everybody.

"Uh can the police just come we don't gotta watch this."

"It's too late."

I just sighed in anger.

"If you kill yourself isn't that technically self defense cause you're tryna kill the person that's tryna kill you?" She asked

We were now making out.

"Wait can I say something!" She said

I nodded for her to go on.

"Look I'm drunk so I really don't know what I'm saying but, I think I have feelings for you and I didn't wanna say anything cause I thought it'd put our friendship in jeopardy so when I found out I was upset cause I felt like we were at a good place."


"I know I hope this doesn't change anything."

"It won't cause I like you too. Like, like like."

"Awww." She smiled

"Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy."

I never told her my full name.


"Save it, why would you lie to me?"

"Cause I-I thought you didn't mean it."

"So you decided to lie to me and pretend like everything is fine. Do you know how embarrassing this is? I'm standing here like a fool thinking that everything is going great when it's not. Cause you know what happened last night and I didn't!"

"I'm embarrassed too, you said that you like me and I didn't even know if it was true. I thought it was the Henny talking."

"Well it wasn't. Now that I'm sober and am thinking straight I take it back!"

*Eleanors POV*

I didn't mean that but I was so heated from what I had just heard I just, I don't even know.

"There's no way!"

"Wanna Bet?" I said smartly and softly

"You had feeling for me, and just because of a little mess cannot change that Eleanor! Do you not know how feelings work, especially with me?!"

Did he really just-

"You know what X I can't do this, I quit."

I started to walk away and I heard him sigh. Then I stopped and turned around.

"And the funny thing about this is if we talked when I was sober I would've tried it with you, I would've tried to be in an actual relationship but now it's way too complicated and messy."

I continued to walk away and out of the hotel.

What. The. Fuck.

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