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We got out of his car and walked into his house. I hate going to other people's houses cause I don't wanna do anything wrong you know. So I just stood there in front of the door while we walked off somewhere.

"You know you can sit down right." He laughed

"Oh." I said sitting at a barstool connected to his island

"You can sleep in my ro-"

"Is that Hennessey?" I asked interrupting

"Uh Yeah you want some?"


He grabbed the bottle and poured some in a crystal clear glass. I drank the whole thing down with no hesitation. He poured himself a glass too.

*The next day*

I woke up with a mild headache I look down and I'm in a T shirt that was not mine so far so good. I look next to me and there X was without a shirt on that's kinda bad. I slowly get up and as soon as I stand on my feet I immediately fall.

"No no no, I slept with my boss." I panicked in a whisper

I crawl around the bed and try to go downstairs.

"What are you doing?" He asked

I sighed in defeat and sat on my knees to explain what happened.

"Did we-"

"Yeah." I said putting my head down

"But you have clothes on and I have shorts on? So how?"

"Um when I stood up I couldn't walk." I sighed

That just made him laugh.

"Am I fired?"

He had to think for a minute.

"No you're not fired just, we don't talk about this." He said

"Ok thanks now can you help me?" I asked

He got up, scooped me up, and carried me downstairs. He sat me on the couch and went into the kitchen.

"Also one more thing?"

He gave me that "What?!" look.

"Can you get my phone I think I left it on the kitchen counter." I ask with pleading eyes

"I thought you were supposed to be my assistant?" He said walking away

I sighed and just thought about this whole situation. He came back with my phone and I gracefully took it.

"Shit!" I said looking at all the messages and voicemails and calls I missed

"I gotta get home also my car is still at that place I did the interview at." I said

"Ok let's go." He said grabbing a jacket and walking towards the door

"Umm c-"

He quickly walked over to me and carried me to the car. He gracefully put me down and we were on our way.

*Back At Home*

I carefully walked/limped back inside it looked like everyone was downstairs either in the kitchen or the living room. But it wasn't just them it was some of their friends too like Ty, Daesha, Jazz and Tae.

"Oh my fucking gosh!" Armon said running up to me

"Ok ok you're choking me half to death!" I said in a raspy voice

"I don't care." He said still hugging me

He finally let go and I rubbed my neck a little cause it hurt.

"You see this is exactly why I didn't want you to go!" Clarence yelled

"Ok but I would've come home if you trusted me."

"How can I trust you when you run away every time someone tries to look over you?!"

"There's a difference between looking over and taking control of my life."

"I am just trying to protect you and so is everyone else."

"Ok." I said calmly

I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm just sick of it. He sighed and I went upstairs to go sleep. As soon as my head touch the pillow I heard a few knocks on the door.

"Don't come in if you're Clarence!" I yelled

Then the door opened revealing the girls.

"Hey!" Tae said

"Hi." I said sitting up

"So did you get the job?" Ty asked

"Yeah." I sighed

"That's a good thing why are you upset?" Jazz asked

"Cause Clarence is annoying the shit out of me!"

"To be honest I'm really on your side I mean yeah he's trying to protect you but he has to let go a little."

"Can you please tell him that?!" I begged

"I sure will!" Daesha said going downstairs


"Imma go with her." Tae said

"Me too." The rest said

They went downstairs and I left the door open so I could hear what they were saying.

"Clare you really should let Eleanor get some more freedom." Ty I think said

"She is 16 She doesn't need to be acting all grown and shit."

"But that's the thing she's going to get older you can't restrict her from things forever!" Daesha said

"No." He argued back

"Clarence if you keep doing this she's gonna keep doing shit and then she'll really show you immaturity, but if you let go a little she'll realize she has your trust that there's no need to be sus."

I didn't hear a response from Clarence.

"Honestly have you ever heard or seen her doing something bad?" Jazz asked

Again no response.

"So Clare can you please chill a little?" Tae asked


Hallelujah. I ran downstairs and jumped on his back not phasing him.

"Thank you Clare bear."

"Yeah let me hear one thing just one I swe-"

"You won't."

"I know."

I jumped down and hugged ma girls.

"Thanks guys."

I got a text notification from my work phone it was X and he said there was a major problem and that he needed me there immediately.

"Ouuu I gotta go."

"Why?" Clarence asked

"Job stuff."

"Bye y'all." I said grabbing my keys and getting in my car

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