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I was still really mad at Luke, and I was pissed at Taylor for doing that him, and trying to split us up, but I really want to hear that song.

Everyone has told me that it's their favorite but it's not finished yet and I don't get to hear it until it's finished.

Like I said before, I am still mad at Luke so I moved out. Not living with Taylor, and not living with Luke. It's a temporary apartment because I know that I'll eventually end up moving back in with Luke, because, well... I love him. I can't help it. He just, has this effect in me. I don't know.

So as I'm getting ready to go shopping I get a call, from Michael.

"Hey Mikey, what's up?"

"Nothing. What are you doing today?" He asks.

"I'm going shopping, why?"

"Can I come with you? I'm super bored and Luke is pissing me off." He replies.

"Why is he pissing you off?" I ask.

"He's writing your song and I've heard the same part over and over again for the last 5 freaking hours, please!" He says.

"Yeah. Sure, be ready in twenty, I'll come get you. Just make sure you tell Luke." I say.

"Okay. Bye Katy."

"Bye Michael." I say.


"Hey Luke, I'm going out with Katy, she's coming to get me in like, ten minutes." I say to him.

"Okay. Have fun, but not too much or I'll literally cut your balls off." He says.

"Trust me, Katy and I are friends but we aren't gonna have sex, I promise." I say.

"Michael!" He warns.

"Sorry, hey! She's here, you might want to put that song shit up." I say.

"Oh, yeah I forgot." He says.


I pulled up to Luke's house, which both him and Michael live at, and walk inside to get Michael.
"Hey Katy." Luke says to me.
"Hey Luke." I reply.
"Have fun today, okay? But not too much fun. I still love you." He says.
I mentally awe and say, "I know, Luke, I know."
He walks up to me and hugs me when Michael walks in.
"I'm not barging into anything, am I?" He asks.
"No Mikey. You're fine." We both say at the same time.

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