Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV:

*If your ready come and get it nanana nanana if your ready come and get it nanana nanana*

my alarm clock sang.

I put my bestfriend's song as my alarm to wake up to.

Why not? It's amazing! I love it!

I stood up tired I walked to the bathroom to get changed.

I mean this is exhausting but I have to keep moving on, my fans are counting on me. I quietly said to myself to keep me motivated a little.

After I changed I went to my phone and I went on twitter.

I hate when people tweet me rude things.

I really want to reply but I'm not allowed. And it would be on E! news for "Taylor swift's new anger issue?" Ugh I hate when they make up fake stuff or try and make me look bad.

I tweeted "Goodbye Dallas, definitely coming back soon!!"

And I logged out.

I walked down the hall and packed my things we had to go soon to catch our flight.

Ed's POV:

I woke up at 7 am because crazy and like the morning!

I rushed getting dressed and hurried out the door and ran into taylor.

Hey Ed, what's the rush? Taylor said.

I forgot I have to go to Starbucks for my coffee. I lied.

Oooh, pick me up the usual? Taylor asked.

Uh, um, okay sure. I said.

I quickly ran out the door and meet Caitlin and Amos at the car.

Ready ? Caitlin asked.

Hell yes. I said.

We drove down to a hotel 10miles away.

That's where Mrs. Swift and Meredith were at.

We called mrs swift and quickly ran up the stairs to the hotel room.

We knocked and the door opened.

Well hello there , mrs swift said.

Meredith is so anxious to see taylor. Mrs swift said.

I'll be getting on the flight to meet you all in NY.

And she handed us Meredith.

We went back to the car and drove off.

We got back to the hotel safe and sound well except Meredith's whining for Taylor.

We went up the stairs and Caitlin went inside first to see where Taylor was.

We all walked in because Taylor was spinning like a girl in a brand new dress trying to come up with new song lyrics.

We slowly and quietly let Meredith down and she ran and jumped on Taylor.

And Taylor screamed.

{{ sorry it's short! I wrote this a year ago! It was originally a ig fanfic but I decided to post it here ! Hope you like it! }}

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