Chapter 3

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Taylor's POV:

I was done packing and I wa spinning around in my new dress trying to think of lyrics.

And then something attacked me. I screamed and I looked down and it was Meredith.

How is this possible?! Your supposed to be with Austin! I said.

I pet her and I snuggled with Meredith because I love her so much!

Who did this? I asked looking up to Ed, Caitlin and Amos.

Well you know that answer Taylor. Ed said.

We brought her so you can cheer up. Caitlin said smiling.

Buuut I thought you were gettin me Starbucks... I replied

Nope we went to get Meredith. Ed said.

So no Starbucks ;O I said sadly,

No Starbucks. Ed replied.

Awww, I wanted Starbucks but at least I have Meredith! I squeeled.

You do realize our flight is in an hour? I said as I got my bags and carried Meredith.

Let's go! I said walking out the door.

I blew a kiss to Ed and Amos and Caitlin, thanks babes <3

I said joyfully xD

Ed's POV:

Taylor was so happy seeing Meredith, she almost went crazy not having any Starbucks!

We had to catch our flight so we grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

But Taylor blew us a kiss and thanked us.

Oh how it was so cute!

I was lost in a daze replaying her blowing a kiss to me in my head.

I guess Caitlin saw me in a daze and shook me saying Ed go after her then!

What? What are you talking about? I exclaimed.

Hah! Are you kidding me? You like Taylor! Go after her Ed! You have a chance!! Caitlin encouragely told me.

Buut buut what if she says no? It will ruin our friendship.. I said looking down.

Ed Sheeran!! Listen to yourself! Your talking shiiiiz now you know Taylor would not leave you out from being friends!! Haven't you ever seen how you to flirt a lot? The whole world knows Ed! Go on now go after her!! Caitlin said.

{{ double update oohhh. Cliffhanger! Like i said, I wrote this a year ago but I hope you like it btw I have like 4 books to this series so :) tell me whatcha think ! }}

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