Chapter 8

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Ed's POV:

I woke up and I was on the couch I don't know why I was on the couch.

I went to go take a shower and get changed . I went down to the kitchen to get some cereal before we left for the stadium for the concert.

Caitlin was sittin eating a granola bar.

Hey Caitlin. I said.

Hello Ed. Caitlin replied.

I want to thank you again for everything, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have had the guts to ask Taylor , and I don't think Taylor would have said yes if you didn't talk to her!

I said , so thank you a million times.

No problem ed! That's what friends are for! Caitlin replied.

Then all of a sudden the Taylor came walking down the hall and into the kitchen.

Hey Ed!:) Taylor said.

Hey Tay! I replied as I got up to give her a hug.

Ed thanks for keeping me company last night, and for letting me lay on your shoulder i was super tired. Taylor said.

Anytime Ta... I was cut off because Taylor kissed me.

I pulled away. I looked at Taylor and said I loved her, then I leaned in and kissed her again.

It was magical! Sparks were definitely flying!

Taylor's POV:

I walked in the kitchen and Ed was there, I decided to thank him and I gave him a kiss.

Ed pulled away and he smiled and said he loved me then he kissed me again.

It was perfect! Ed was an amazing kisser. I could see sparks fly!

Ooohh lovebirds . I can hear Caitlin say.

I motioned her to shut up.

It seemed like forever, but it wasn't.

I love you Ed. I said.

I love you way much more Ed said.

Caitlin made kissy faces and then said we had to go.

We went our separate ways and went to the stadium.

{{ them Sweeran feels thoo! This chapter sucks! I'm sorry :( it gets better tho! Promise! Haha gotta love some sweeran shipping! }}

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