Chapter 6

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Caitlin's POV:

Once Ed told me Taylor was crying and locked herself in the back room I freaked.

I ran to the back room.

Taylor! It's Caitlin! Please open up, can we talk? I asked.

Go away! Taylor said.

Taylor, please, we can talk, girl talk I know you've been dying for some girl time! I said.

*the door unlocked*

I walked in and locked the door behind me.

I sat next to Taylor.

Taylor tell me what's up. I said .

Ed, he wants to go out with me, but. She said

But what? I replied.

If Ed do everyone is going to call me a whore and slut and bitch and a hoe and you know the rest!

I'm tired of being called that! I hate it! Why do I have to be called out on everything?!

It makes me so sad and angry and depressed! I hate it Caitlin! I know I'm not! I just believe it , because every guy wants to date me!

And if I date them it will show up on the news and you know it! Taylor said.

But your not taylor, Ed he really likes you, and you know it, he will do anything for you. I said.

I know, I'm just afraid!

I want to keep it private but people always find out!

I never have any privacy! Taylor said.

Then keep it private and don't tell anyone until the time is right! I said.

Taylor's POV:

Caitlin was persuading me and talking to me. I guess I should just go out with Ed, i like him too.

We will just keep it secret i guess who cares what people think, I am a free person!

I am 23 years old for goodness sake!

I don't have to be perfect for the paparazzi anymore.

I stood up and went to the front where Ed was.

Ed, I'm sorry I freaked out, I was just afraid of what people would say, but yes I will go out with you, but it has to be a secret we can't tell anyone. I said.

That's great! I love you so much Taylor! It will be a secret I won't tell anyone I promise! Ed said.

I guess I went to give Ed a hug and I gave him a kiss on the cheek,

Thanks for understanding Ed. I said.

•flight arrives in NY•

I quickly went on twitter and tweeted "happy free confused and lonely in the best way" except i wasn't lonely anymore.

We went to a hotel where we stayed for the night, tomorrow we had a concert.

We walked in and the rooms where amazing!

I couldn't wait to snuggle up in the comfy bed and get some sleep!

{{ okkkk so there's that. Next chapter will be good! It gets filled with drama soon ;) }}

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