Chapter 4

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Ed's POV:

Caitlin just got done putting some sense into me.

She's right! I have a chance and even if Taylor denies me we will still be friends no matter what!

I had to ask her somehow!

I walked out the room almost leaving my bag and I quickly got to the car.

We drove to the private plane.

When we got on we all went our separate ways, I decided I would wait with caitlin and Amos at the front of the plane while Taylor went to the back so she can write lyrics.

So Ed when are you going to ask her? Caitlin said.

Wait ask who what? Amos asked.

Uhhh. Umm. I said.

He likes Taylor. Caitlin announced to Amos.

Oh yeah old news everyone knows. Amos replied.

So go on Ed! Caitlin persuaded.

Fine fine fine. I said as I walked to the back to Taylor.

Taylor was singing and trying to make a tone with her guitar.

I just watched her play for what seemed like forever.

Taylor's POV:

I was trying out some new lyrics and trying to come up with a tone/beat with my guitar and Ed came.

He was just staring .

Hey Ed. I said..

*no reply, Ed just staring*

Umm. HEEY ED! I said louder.

*no reply Ed just staring still*

ED SHEERAN! I sorta shouted.

Earth to Ed , hello??? I said poking him.

He was just frozen so i decided to kiss his cheek because I know he likes me, everyone does so maybe that will get him outta a daze.

Taylor I have to tell you something. Ed said right after I kissed his cheek.

Yea sure what is it. I asked.

Uh so you know probably I think maybe but like... He paused.

But like what? Tell me Ed! I said enthusiastically.

Taylor I really really like you, I know we are really good friends, we're on tour together, we've known each other for the longest time. I get so nervous around you now, Taylor Alison Swift you're a perfect flawless women I have ever seen in my life, will you please go out with me?:) Ed said happily and scared a little.

I blushed, Ed , we are bestfriend's of course I know you like me, I have always known. You're a great guy but...

{{ cliffhangerrrrr anywho I hope you like this !:) }}

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