Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV:

You're great guy but... What if our fans don't agree, what if it ruins the tour? I'm tired of people calling me a slut, whore, bitch, skank, etc.

You know the paparazzi! You know how they harass me!

Ed I really like you too but if we were to date it has to be secret. I don't want to be called those names again, nobody understands how bad that hurts me. I sighed as I replied to Ed.

Taylor, you are none of those things! Don't let that sink into your head! Come on we can hide it we can keep a secret that we are dating. Ed said as he moved closer to me.

I stress to much over what people say! It's always on the news "who's Taylor dating now" "Taylor swift was just spotted with this person at a cafe" that doesn't mean I'm dating them! Ugh I shrugged, I just don't know what to do anymore Ed! I really do like you, but I don't know if its best for me.

I went to one of the back rooms and locked myself in there as I cried.

I could hear Ed calling my name telling me to come out and that everything would be okay he loved me.

I just need time to think this over I thought, is it too soon to start dating?

I broke up with Harry 6 months ago, and I just can't deal with another relationship right now.

I cried because relationships ruin my status!! I hate being the "whore" all over the news!

I stayed locked in the back room crying not letting anyone in. I didn't care what they said .

Ed's POV:

I don't know if Taylor denied me or accepted me.

She started talking about how she was a whore and a slut! She is none of those things! Why would she think that? She ran off and locked herself in the back room.

I tried talking and havin her open the door but she wouldn't budge.

I walked back into the other room to Caitlin and Amos.

Any luck Ed? Amos said.

Uh I don't know she started crying and locked herself in the back room. I replied.

What ? Caitlin said as she rushed up and ran to the back room .

{{ oooohhhh idk if you like this?? dramaaaaa. Like I said it kinda sucks BC I wrote this a year ago lol I originally had it posted on ig and everyone wants it on wattpad BC I have like 4 sequels omg. }}

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