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"Oh, Sophia! You look beautiful!" Her mother looked at her in the mirror. Clara had used her wand to curl Sophie's hair, and even pulled the front few stands back in a braid secured with the most beautiful butterfly pin Sophie had ever seen. She glanced down at the satin dress and smiled. The experience with Madam Malkin had been a pleasant one and the red satin fit her perfectly. The top was fitted while the bottom flared out around her. As she stood up, she slipped her feet into white flats and glided down the hallway to greet her father.

"I thought you were growing up at Hogwarts, but you grew up right before my eyes, Soph. You look beautiful, my sweet girl." He kissed her head and wrapped a white, furry cloak over her shoulders. Clara followed behind Sophie in a navy-blue dress while James was in a typical black set of dress robes. The trio left their home and all grabbed onto a hairpin of Clara's that was being used as a portkey.


"Welcome to Wiltshire and welcome to our home, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. I see you have brought your daughter with you this evening. What is your name, dear?" Narcissa Malfoy stood so straight Sophie wouldn't be surprised if there was a board hidden under her expensive gown holding her up that way. Despite her cold demeanor and posh attitude, Sophie felt a hint of familiarity in the maternal, nurturing look in her eyes.

"My name is Sophia, ma'am. Thank you for welcoming us into your lovely home this evening. It truly is remarkable." Sophie couldn't keep her eyes from wandering around the manor as she said this. She wasn't just flattering the host; the house was remarkable. The dark walls and furniture should have made the place feel cold, and perhaps it did when it wasn't filled with people. But tonight, with people bustling around the drawing room in ball gowns and suits, the décor was nothing short of elegant. While she knew the place was old, it didn't have the run-down look many places acquire over time. It held an elegance that Sophie had yet to experience in her eleven years. The pipe organ at the end of the drawing room and the chandeliers were like something out of a storybook, and Sophie couldn't help but feel like she was in a fairytale.

"Why thank you, Sophia." Narcissa smiled once more at the girl then turned back to her parents. "You have done a fine job raising this girl. Polite, gorgeous, and from what my Draco said, incredibly bright." Sophie blushed at the idea of Draco telling his mother about her. Her parents smiled proudly at the compliment and thanked Narcissa. "Sophia, Draco should be at the other end of the drawing room, near the fireplace." Sophie lightly bowed her head and thanked the woman before turning and daintily maneuvering through the crowd of people.

Once she was three-quarters of the way through the seemingly never-ending room, Sophie recognized Cedric standing with his father and a few other men. She made her way over to the tall boy and tapped lightly on his shoulder. He turned and smiled.

"Red, huh? Quite a bold color for you, Abbott. And the hair down? You look sixteen, Soph." She knew he was kidding, but she blushed anyway. He smiled down at her. "But really, you look incredible. It's good to see you here. Between you and me, all of this Ministry talk bores the hell out of me."

"Why don't you come with me? I'm going to find Draco and I can't imagine our conversation will lead to the happenings of the Ministry." Sophie offered even though she knew Cedric would decline. His opinion on Draco hadn't changed throughout the first term and Sophie was a little upset about it. But she had to remember that she cannot control others and their feelings.

"Thanks, Soph, but I'll pass. My dad is forcing me to listen to these conversations anyway. He says it will help me become a more successful wizard after Hogwarts. Networking and stuff. Speaking of, I should probably get back to it. It was good seeing you." He bent down and kissed the young girl on the cheek before turning back to his father.

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