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"The Yule Ball is approaching – a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests," McGonagall announced. The girls in the class immediately started squealing and whispering about the event while the boys either had confident smirks or kept their eyes glued to their feet. McGonagall continued to speak of the traditions and importance of the event but even Sophie had trouble paying attention with Susan and Hannah whispering next to her.

"Now, in preparation for the event," McGonagall continued. "We must practice the art of dance. Is there anyone here who is particularly practiced on the subject?" Her eyes scanned the room but not one pair seemed to be meeting her own. To spare the other children some dignity, Sophie raised her hand. She was a good dance and didn't want someone with no clue to stand up and be embarrassed in front of their whole year.

"Ah yes, Miss Abbott," Hannah's head snapped up before realizing it was Sophie who volunteered. "Thank you," McGonagall shot her a grateful look. "Now, is there anyone who would like to demonstrate with Sophia here?" Sophie watched the boys in the room glance around at each other when at least six shot their hands up simultaneously. A few met the eyes of someone Sophie couldn't make out fast enough and their hands fell down as quickly as they rose. "Hmmm, Mister Zabini, why not". Sophie turned toward the Slytherin fourth years to find Blaise.

His lips were curled into a perfect smile and his dark eyes were looking right at her. Sophie rolled her eyes playfully before glancing at the boys Blaise was seated with. Nott was leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed and a small smirk on his face, looking cool and collected. Draco, on the other hand, seemed to have ditched his emotionless, better-than-this look he gave off in class and replaced it with hunched shoulders and flared nostrils. He was leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clutched together tightly. Sophie knew something was wrong and made a mental note to ask him after class.

"Now, since you volunteered, I'm sure the two of you know the steps to a basic waltz," McGonagall questioned as Blaise approached. The two nodded but not before Sophie caught one last dramatic eye roll and hand toss from her best friend but once again decided it could wait until later. She turned her attention to the undoubtedly handsome boy in front of her and laughed as he took her hand and placed the other around her waist.

"Might I say, you look stunning today, Sophia," he whispered as they started dancing around the room while McGonagall pointed out their near-perfect form to the rest of the class. Sophie laughed at Blaise's compliment. Although they weren't close, Sophie and Blaise got along well and she knew his recently developed habits with women. Even being his friend, Sophie wasn't safe from his comments, but they seemed to have both begun to turn them into jokes instead of anything serious.

"Why thank you, Mister Zabini. I'll be sure to wear my school robes more often since you like them so much," she teased.

The two laughed and continued to show off more steps for the class. Though while they were dancing, Sophie felt off in a way she couldn't describe. Her body was performing all the steps correctly but something about it felt wrong. She never felt this way at the Malfoy soiree, but it was like Blaise's shoulder was too low and his hands were just a bit too small, even though they engulfed her own. He was a wonderful dancer as well. His steps and turns were smooth as silk and he leads without a demanding force behind it.

"Thank you, dears," McGonagall dismissed the two. They stopped in their place and Sophie and Blaise curtsied and bowed to one another respectively. "20 points to each of your houses for volunteering and doing an adequate job in doing so." Blaise gave a small nod before heading back to his seat while Sophie muttered a small "thank you" before returning to her own. Neither sat down as McGonagall dismissed them shortly after. She approached Susan and Hannah who were awaiting her return with wide eyes.

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