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"Sophie, are you gonna eat that pumpkin pasty or not?" Justin nudged her and gestured towards the untouched sweet Hannah had placed on Sophie's plate.

"You can go ahead, Justin," Sophie said while pushing the plate towards him. The boy immediately reached for the pasty and started to devour it next to her. Ever since the Malfoy's party, even the smell of anything sweet made Sophie's stomach turn.

"You alright, Soph," Ernie asked to her left.

"Yea, I'm fine. I wasn't going to tell you guys because it's kind of embarrassing, but I can't even look at anything sweet anymore without feeling sick."

Ernie furrowed his eyebrows as Hannah, Susan, and Justin leaned in to hear what Sophie had to say.

"So, you know how I went to the Malfoy's over the holiday, right?"

"The git didn't try to poison you, did he? I swear–" Hannah's eyes darkened as she stood up, already scanning the Slytherin table for Draco.

"No, no Han! Sit down before you get us in trouble!" Sophie stood too, reaching across the table and placing her hand on her cousin's shoulder, slowly lowering them back down to sit. "Anyway­–" Sophie began again, giving her cousin a pointed look. "I was at the Malfoy's and I was actually really enjoying myself. Pansy Parkinson was there, and she is kind of mean, but not as bad as everyone says. Just enough blood purist to be Slytherin." The group chuckled at that. "But despite some of her comments, it was a really good night. Did you know Draco can play the piano? Like, really well? He left the whole room of grown, influential adults, in awe. I was surely in awe too. I mean, who knew? The piano? Of all things for all people to be good at, Draco– "

"You're rambling, Soph. What does Malfoy's piano playing have to do with you not being able to eat God's finest creations?" Susan brought her back down to Earth. She was very caught up in how Draco had ultimately wooed her at the party. Hoping no one noticed how much he really affected her, Sophie blushed and then continued with her story.

"Well, once the party began to die down, Draco, Theodore Nott, and I had gotten ahold of one too many sweets and may have given ourselves a bit of what my mum called a sugar rush." Preparing to explain what is her most embarrassing moment of her life, Sophie sighed before the words flew from her mouth. "And, um, as we were leaving, I may or may not have threw up all over the Malfoy's bearskin rug. Right in front of Draco's parents." Sophie hid her face in her hands as her confession was met with total silence. She peered through the gaps in her fingers and saw that all of her friends sat with dropped jaws, glancing at one another.

Justin was the first to break the silence with a loud cackle. "Sophie! I can't believe you're embarrassed about that! That's the coolest thing you could've done."

"It was an accident," Sophie interrupted. He rubbed her back slightly as he continued speaking.

"I wish I had the opportunity to throw up on one of Malfoy's possessions. Or even better, Malfoy himself. Imagine the look on his face when something straight from a mudblood touches him." He continued to laugh, but the other four friends had stopped at the use of a word none of them had ever thought about speaking.

"Don't call yourself that, Justin. You know that's a horrible word, especially to use on yourself like that." Susan defended Justin against his own self-deprecation.

"It's okay, Susan. I'm just trying to capture the satisfaction of the situation if I were in Sophie's shoes. I think, accident or not, that was a wicked move." He patted Sophie's back once more before the others began to make light of the situation by laughing with Justin and giving Sophie words of congratulations. They all agreed with Justin, saying she shouldn't be ashamed of doing something to someone so cruel.

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