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"Sophie! How excited are you for your first game?" Hannah all but yelled as Sophie sat down at the breakfast table. She had taken her time getting ready to try and calm her nerves before the game. It seemed to be in vain for her hands couldn't stop shaking as she took a drink of her orange juice.

"I'm absolutely terrified if I'm being quite honest. I'll be one of the youngest, smallest players out there; I don't want to make a fool of myself." Just as she finished voicing her worries, she recognized her family's large barn owl flying into the Great Hall. It held a large package with a small white envelope with her name scrawled across the front.

My sweet Sophie,

Good luck today! I know you will do absolutely smashing in your very first real Quidditch game! Your determined nature will take you far! I know you are more than capable of showing those Slytherins what's up in your own right, but here's a little something to help ease the nerves. This is built especially for you, little bird; none other like it in the world. I've been working on it since last summer because I knew you'd make the team this year. It's small, but quick, like you. Use your size to your advantage. I'll always be flying with you, little bird. Fly fast.

Love, Dad

"Sophie, is that what I think it is," Ernie asked from beside her. She nodded and set down the letter. She pulled the package near her and began unwrapping it.

She started with the end, unwrapping dark brown fibers, not one out of place. Her dad was right, it was small. It didn't take long for her to reveal the actual broomstick which was beautifully polished and white. It's slightly curved structure seemed like it would keep good balance, and Sophie knew her dad wouldn't put her on anything but the best.

"What kind is it? I've never seen this kind of broom before and I'm subscribed to Broommaker's Monthly!" A Fourth Year shouted from down the table.

"It's not a brand. There's no other in the world like it. My dad made it just for me," Sophie responded, softly, still admiring her new broom. She noticed at the very end of the handle, on one side was the Abbott Broom company logo, but on the other side, in the same handwriting as her letter, were the words "fly fast, little bird". Sophie couldn't help the tears that ran down her face.

"Hey, why're you crying? This is awesome!" Ernie tried to encourage her but Sophie just kept crying. "Hey, c'mere." He opened his arms and Sophie fell into them. Ernie rubbed her back as she lightly hiccuped. "C'mon, Soph. I know they're happy tears, but you can't let those Slytherins see you like this," he whispered and kissed the side of her head. She nodded and sat up.

"You're right. Thanks, Ern." She hugged him and gave him a kiss before glancing over at the Slytherin table.

She made eye contact with Draco in his green Quidditch robes. He furrowed his brows at her puffy eyes and she gave a slight nod in response. He then raised his eyebrows and gave her a thumbs up to which she smiled and sent one right back.

"Fraternizing with the enemy on game day, are we," Cedric teased.

"Oh, calm down, Ced. My friend is still my friend on game day."

"Not while we're on the pitch, Sophie. Now, c'mon, we gotta get going for warmups." Sophie nodded and stood up, grabbed her new broom, and followed Cedric out of the Great Hall.

"New ride, I see?" Cedric gestured toward the broom.

"Yep. Specially made by my dad," she said, shyly.

"Well, let's hope it flies as well as his Firebolts."

"I've got no doubt." She smiled.


"HERE! HERE!" Sophie yelled down the pitch at Malcolm. He passed the quaffle downfield to Sophie who sent it flying past Slytherin keeper, Miles Bletchley. "YES!" Sophie sped back to Malcolm and they gave each other a high five. The score was now 80-100 with Slytherin in the lead. Sophie was hoping Cedric would find the snitch soon. The Slytherin keeper was subpar, but their beaters were not to be messed with. They were both Seventh Years and Sophie was sure she'd seen less muscle on full-grown gorillas. The bludger had narrowly missed her on multiple occasions throughout the match and the Slytherin chasers were constantly shoving her and throwing elbows left and right. They knew they were bigger and stronger than Sophie and were battering her around between each other like she was the quaffle. Luckily her speed was able to keep her ahead of them and still score a majority of Hufflepuff's goals. But when they got ahold of her, they were ruthless.

As Sophie was watching Fleet block another Slytherin shot, Sophie was hit with a force that all but knocked her off her broom. The shoulder-shot rang throughout her body and she felt immediate pain spread throughout where she got hit.

"Soph, you good?" Cedric suddenly appeared next to her.

"I'm fine. Find the snitch and finish this game!" Cedric nodded and took off as Sophie searched for the quaffle.

With the pain in her shoulders it felt like centuries until Cedric came flying to her with a grin on his face, but he assures her it was only a matter of minutes. As soon as they landed, the seven Hufflepuffs wrapped each other in a hug to celebrate their first win of the season.

"Good win, guys. But I think it's obvious what we need to work on before our next match," Cedric began. "Sophie is small, but I think we can all agree she's the best we got. You've got to protect her at all costs. If we have any chance at winning the Quidditch Cup, it's going to be with all of us, especially our little bird, healthy." The team all nodded in agreement and soon their peers were surrounding them in cheers. Sophie was grinning ear to ear when she felt arms wrap around her waist and twirl her around. Once she was put down she turned to come face to face with none other than Ernie Macmillan.

"I'm so proud of you! Seven goals in your first outing? Incredible!" He wrapped her in a hug once more. "Hey, everyone! This is my girlfriend," he lifted her arm up and shouted to the surrounding Hufflepuffs. The group let out a cheer and started patting the couple on the back. Trying not to wince at the feeling of people hitting her bum shoulder, Sophie smiled and leaned into Ernie's side.

"How about we take this up to the common room?" Cedric's suggestion was met with cheers.

Sophie stood on her tiptoes and pulled Ernie's ear down to her lips, "Hey, I'll meet you up there. I'm just gonna change real quick."

"Sounds good. See ya there, my little star." Sophie blushed and ducked her head while turning toward the locker room.

Luckily enough Draco's distinctive hair made him easy to spot in a crowd. Sophie spotted him leaving the boy's locker room in a plain blue shirt and jeans and immediately broke into a jog.

"Draco!" He turned toward the sound of her voice and let out a small smile.

"Oh hey. Good game out there today. 7 goals? Almost unheard of from a newbie," he leaned against one of the posts, allowing Sophie to catch up to him.

"Thanks." She looked down and smiled. "Looks like you get to party like a Hufflepuff for tonight, eh," she nudged her friend. He let out a huff and smiled at her.

"Looks like it. Go change," he lightly kicked her leg. "I'll wait here for you."

Sophie walked into the locker room and rolled her eyes at her appearance. The hair that had escaped her ponytail stuck to her face and she was essentially drenched in sweat. She took a quick bath just to get the sweat off and loosely braided her hair. She threw on a cream sweater and jeans, grabbed her bag, and left the locker room to see Draco standing in the same spot she left him.

"Alright, you ready?"

"Of course. Time to chat up some cute Hufflepuff girls," he smirked at her, taking her bag from her hand.

"Oh please, I bet you won't even leave my side." He threw his arm around her shoulders and grinned even bigger.

"Exactly." He winked and started walking toward the castle, leaving Sophie to process what he just inferred.

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