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"Aye! It's Sophie," someone hollered on the opposite side of the common room. The crowded room of Hufflepuffs cheered at her presence.

"What's Malfoy doing here?" Another girl yelled from somewhere in the center.

"He lost a bet so I brought him here. Don't worry," Sophie explained. That reason seemed to be enough for the teenagers who went back to talking and tossing back cups of who knows what.

"Well, I feel thoroughly welcomed," Draco said sarcastically behind Sophie.

"It's okay. They'll warm up to you being here. Especially if you approach them first and are nice to them." He let out a genuine laugh and smiled down at the brunette.

"Yeah, okay. Do you guys have anything to drink at these things?" He questioned, gazing around the room.

"We should. I've never been to one because technically we don't get invited until our Fourth Year, but being on the team has its perks. And Ced has told me all about these parties. Apparently he's gotten pissed drunk on multiple occasions at these things," Sophie explained. Sophie guided him to the back of the room and sure enough there was a table of what smelt like firewhiskey and spiked butterbeer. "Here ya go, drink up, blondie."

"Are you not going to drink with me? This is your party."

"It's not my party. If anything, It's Cedric's." She gestured toward the boy sitting by the fire with a cup in his hand and girls literally falling off of his lap.

"People cheered when you walked through the door, Sophie. You're allowed to celebrate," he said, handing her a cup of firewhiskey and the two walked away from the drink table to a small table on the opposite side of the room.

"Have you ever drank before, Draco," Sophie asked, taking another whiff of her drink.

"Only once. Zabini and Crabbe were over and we took a bottle of wine from my parent's cellar and played truth or dare," he smiled over the lip of his cup.

"Draco! You are thirteen years old! You shouldn't have done that," she scolded, feeling like a hypocrite with the drink in her hand. Her birthday was a few months after his so she didn't have much room to talk.

"Probably not. But here we are." He leaned back in the chair, resting his free hand on his propped up knee while the other tilted the drink back to his lips once again. "Are you going to drink your firewhiskey, dear?" His smirk growing as she blushed under his pressure and his pet name.

"Oh, this? No problem," Sophie mumbled, bringing the drink to her lips. She tilted the cup back and took a sip of the whiskey. She pulled back the cup as soon as she tasted it and scrunched her nose just as she saw the light of a camera flash on her. Draco sat there with Sophie's camera in his hand, grinning down at the picture that was coming out. "Draco Malfoy!"

"What," he asked, innocently. Sophie reached over and snatched the picture out of his hands. The photo encaptured her tossing the drink back and immediately pulling away, obviously disgusted.

"I can't believe you wasted film on this," Sophie exclaimed, throwing the photo back at him. He picked it up off the ground and laughed.

"It's not wasted if I keep it," he suggested. He began rummaging through her bag until he pulled out a pen.

"Now what are you doing," Sophie sighed.

"Well we have to caption it," he explained while writing on the bottom of the photo. "There! 'Soph's first drink! 6/9/93'."

"Draco Malfoy, you are not keeping that or else-"

"Or else what," he challenged.

"Or else I won't talk to you for a week," she huffed.

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