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(9/9/19, 6:17 CST): I reworked this chapter a bit, so if you read it before the time stated, give the end a reread as to not miss anything for a dramatic chapter 16;)

At breakfast, Justin and Hannah spent the whole time explaining Ernie's situation to Susan who was sulking at the fact that the group didn't invite her along for the adventure.

"C'mon, Susan. You know you're such a heavy sleeper. It would've taken us ages to get you up," Hannah reasoned. Sophie didn't have the heart to participate in the conversation. It was still breaking for the empty seat next to her that should be occupied by a certain blonde boy with a charming smile and the ability to make even the most stoic of people laugh with just one punchline.

When Sophie was observing the other people in the Great Hall, she noticed Draco missing from his spot in between Crabbe and Goyle. Furrowing her brows, she examined further down the table to the upperclassmen, all the way down to the little First Years. No platinum blonde hair to be seen. But, one thing that did stick out to her was Pansy Parkinson. Sitting between two other Slytherin girls, Pansy was puffy eyed and obviously out of breath from her sobs that were inaudible over the bustle of Saturday morning breakfast.

Sophie wasn't close with Pansy, but they had chatted a few times outside of the Malfoy Soiree, and Pansy wasn't as openly rude to Sophie as she was to everyone other non-Slytherin. She abruptly stood up, catching the attention of her friends still seated at the table.

"Where are you going?" Asked Hannah.

"I'll be right back," Sophie responded, absentmindedly.

"Soph, you heard Madam Pomfrey. You can't see Ernie until he's breathing right." Hannah tried to reason, but before she could finish, Sophie was walking toward the Slytherin table. Making her way behind Pansy, she lightly tapped the dark-haired girl on the back.

"Hey, I don't mean to intrude, but I saw you crying and I was just wondering if you're okay? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Pansy looked at Sophie with a look so cold one may think she was a descendent of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named himself.

"Why don't you go ask your boyfriend why," Pansy countered.

"What did Ernie do to you? He's in the hospital wing as we speak." Sophie furrowed her eyebrows and was more confused than defensive about Pansy calling out her boyfriend.

"Exactly. But, there's about to be a room at St. Mungos with his name on it."

"Pansy, what are you talking about?" Pansy rose from her seat and looked Sophie dead in the eye.

"Listen here, Hufflepuff." She jabbed a finger into Sophie's chest. "You're boyfriend," jab, "attacked my sweet Drakey" jab, "and tore him to pieces." Pansy jabbed her pointer finger into Sophie's chest one final time before her eyes welled up with tears. Despite her watery eyes, the look in them remained cold. "He's barely recognizable," Pansy's voice cracked as the girl who was sitting next to her placed her hand on her shoulder and lowered her back down on the bench. "I never want to see you or your dumb, bloodtraitor boyfriend's face ever again. If you so much as look at me wrong, so help me-" Pansy threatened into her hands.

Sophie stood wide-eyed and frozen. It didn't make any sense. Her Ernie. Her sweet, loving Ernie, attacking Draco. Even if he would try and attack him, Draco was drunk. Ernie would never fight him; it wouldn't have been fair.

"What're you doing still standing here, stupid Hufflepuff? Beat it," A Slytherin Sophie didn't recognize spat. This broke her out of the trance she was in and she flitted out of the Great Hall, determined to find out the truth.


Sophie rushed to the hospital wing for the second time that morning and stood outside, fiddling with her hands and shifting from foot to foot. As she glanced in, she saw Ernie Macmillan resting peacefully and smiled softly at the sight. With Madam Pomfrey nowhere near his bed, she let out a sigh. Her contentedness didn't last long as she remembered why she came back in the first place. Looking around the room, her heart almost stopped at the sight of Draco's parents standing at the foot of a screened-off bed, conversing deeply with Madam Pomfrey. Mr. Malfoy didn't look much different than when Sophie saw him at the Manor. Same set jaw and thin-mouthed frown. But the feirosity in his eyes was something new and frightening to her. Narcissa stood next to her husband, clutching her chest and dabbing underneath her eyes with a handkerchief. Cautiously, she approached them.

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