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"This is stupid. I can't believe we all have to lay on this hard floor because crybaby Potter is scared of his own shadow. If you don't think I'll be writing to my father about this." Draco Malfoy's voice echoed throughout the Great Hall.

"Sophie, your friend is bloody annoying," Hannah sighed. "We've been laying here for over an hour now and no one has gotten an ounce of sleep because of his complaints." She threw her arm over her eyes in exasperation.

"Maybe we haven't slept because we're scared of the mass murder on the loose in Hogwarts," Sophie suggested.

"I'm sure that would be a factor if he would shut the hell up," Justin raised his voice at the end, sure enough, to travel across the room. A few snickers and "amens" resonated in agreement at Justin's exclamation.

"Why don't you come over here and make me," Draco shouted back, now sitting upright in his sleeping bag.

"Everyone lay back down! Students fighting is the last thing we need right now. The next person to say anything above a whisper is getting detention for a week with their respectful headmaster." The whole lot turned to look at the Head Boy, Ron Weasley's older brother, who was supposed to be monitoring the students while the professors searched the castle for any signs of Sirius Black.

"Like I need a Weasley telling me what to do," Draco muttered. He was laying a few people down and a row over from Sophie and her friends, and his griping was just loud enough for the Third Year Hufflepuffs to hear. Her friends turned to her to do something. Sophie rolled her eyes and slipped out of her sleeping bag.

On her way to calm down her friend, she whispered a few apologies to some Ravenclaws and even stopped to talk to Grace.

"Hey, will you still be at study hall tomorrow? I asked Hermione to explain Flitwick's homework to me in better detail." Grace grinned up at her and nodded eagerly. Sophie smiled before returning to her task at hand. She marched over to Draco who smiled up at her innocently.

"Oh, hey Soph. What're you doing up so late?" It took everything in her not to grin at the boy squinting one eye and grinning up at her.

"Draco, would you please keep it down? I know being in this situation is scary–" the blonde cut her off.

"Scary? Please. The only thing scary about this situation is the state my Chinese silk pajamas will be in after sleeping on this disgusting floor. Seriously, do we even have house elves in this place?"

"It's okay to be scared, Draco. Sirius Black did kill over a dozen innocent people."

"I'm not scared, Soph. But if you are, I'm sure I could make some room in my sleeping bag for you." He grinned even wider, teeth and all, and patted a small space next to him.

"Will that make you be quiet?" She asked honestly. He nodded his head earnestly. Sophie tapped her foot for a minute before huffing. "Fine, make some room. If I get in trouble for this, it's your head." He just grinned and opened up the sleeping bag in response. 

She got down on all fours and slid in next to him. It was a bit of a tight fit, for she couldn't find a position that didn't have part of her touching Draco. She didn't mind though, it wasn't the first time she and Draco had laid together. What made it awkward was the winks, whistles, and smirks from his friends. Sophie tried to pretend she didn't notice because it's always been innocent between the two of them.

She instantly felt safer with her best friend's arm around her. She wouldn't admit it, but the looming threat of a mass murderer on the loose did scare her. She had no experience, especially compared to someone who not only escaped Azkaban, but has evaded Dumbledore, the greatest wizard alive, for months now.

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