Chapter Five; Questions and Confessions

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"Okay, question one....when is your birthday?"

"October 31st, 1977. You?"

"April 9th, 1977. So, siblings?"

"Two. My sister Kathy is 10 years older than me, and brother Kyle is 5 years older than me. I'm the baby. What about you?"

"I'm the oldest, my brother Mikey is 3 years younger than me. Wait....Kathy, Kyle, and Kayla?"

I chuckled, "Yes, it's family tradition to have a name with the first beginning with a K, and the middle beginning with a J. So full names are Kathryn Joan, Kyle James, and then you have me, Kayla Jewel."


"Smartass. Where are you from?"

"Belleville, New Jersey."

"God why?"

"I honestly have no idea. It's not that I hate it there, but it's not a nice place to live at times. But it's where I'm from. I wasn't really allowed to go outside, because of how bad it was. Which led to my love of art. All the fantasies and stories I've created in my head, I can bring to life on paper."

"That's so cool. Could I see some of your sketches sometime?"

"Sure, okay now....what is your favorite band."

"The Beatles."

"God why? Kidding, but seriously...why?"

"Because they're awesome, and their album Revolver was the first album I ever owned. Plus, I don't know...I mean their music always seems to lift my spirits."

"Oh, okay. Not a bad choice, but from the Maiden blasting in your room I figured your favorite band would be a bit...heavier."

"Well yeah, I love Maiden. I love any kind of music as long as it's good, and speaks to me. Music is all about making you feel something Gee. If it calls to me, caters to my mood, making me let everything out...then that's good."

"I couldn't agree more actually. That's how Maiden became my favorite band. It just seems that those songs can get me through even the toughest times."

"Exactly. Somehow, The Beatles always have a song that fits whatever situation I'm in. But I love Zeppelin, Bowie, Floyd, The Misfits, The Smashing Pumpkins, all kinds of stuff. So tell me Gee, who are you closest to in your family?"

"My grandmother. She taught me everything I know. She's actually the one that encouraged me to audition for this. And after her, it's Mikey. What about you?"

"My grandmother. The woman practically raised me, and like yours she taught me everything I know as well. Because of her, I'm the wondrous creature sitting next to you. Then it's my brother Kyle. But Gran was my pillar of strength."


I felt a pain in my chest just thinking about her. Thinking about how I would handle telling someone I'd never met before the pain, and suffering from losing my grandmother. She was a saint. Still is in my opinion. And that's all that matters. 

"Yeah, she passed away a month after my 16th birthday."

"I'm so sorry, and if it's not too intrusive...can I ask how?"

"She had a stroke, and went into the hospital. 3 days later she had another stroke and passed away. I told her to stop eating all those fried foods, but she would just wave it off sayin' 'Sug, I'll be fine. I'm as healthy as a horse.' Yeah, right. It's been almost two years, and I still feel the hollowness inside, the tightening of my chest when I think about her, and the threat of tears. I don't know if this feeling will ever go away. It's hard ya' know. Because she was the only one keeping me grounded. Without having a voice of reason, things get out of hand."

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