Chapter Seven: Oh No, Not Again.

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One Month Later July 7th, 1995

Well done campers, 

I've been around and visiting each and every group from time to time, and I must say, I'm impressed. Some of you have really come a long way. Congratulations. You've made me so proud. Oh, and starting Monday, you will get new mentors. 

Okay, this is around about the time I'm going to start telling groups to start thinking of song ideas. You need to have a 3 song set, for the final concert that will be held on September 6th. Write the lyrics, figure out the chords, find the beat, and practice, practice, practice.

That's all for now, 

-Max Aston-

The note that was taped on our front door was exhilarating. We finally get to start writing our own music. Thank god. I'd been tinkering around a song for a few years now, but nothing seemed right. Hmm, maybe Gerard could help me out? He probably would. In the past month we've become closer than ever. 

We'd fallen into a routine. During the week, I'd get up, shower, wake him up, make coffee, we'd head out to practice with Ray, and Andrew. Then after practice Andrew would do his own thing, and Ray, Gee, and I would go out to lunch, or dinner depending on when we got done. After that Gee and I'd come back to the apt, and watch tv, draw, talk, ect. Saturdays though, those are our movie nights. We'd alternate on who got to choose the movie(s) that night. And whoever didn't get to pick, got to pick the take out we'd order. Tomorrow would be my turn to pick the movie, and his to order. Oh this should be fun. 



I jumped from the couch, and landed on the floor. Ow. I looked up and Gee was holding his sides laughing, while walking around the couch. Jerk. 

"Sorry. Couldn't resist, you were so deep in thought."

"Probably making the same face you make when you're drawing."

"Probably. Whatcha got in your hand?"

"A note taped on our door. Kind of an announcement. Basically saying Max is proud of us, and we'll be getting new mentors on Monday. And to start writing our own music. Now are you going to help me up, or just stand there?"

He let out a big sigh,

"Fine, make me do all the heavy lifting."


"Sexy one though, no?"


He gasped, 



"Oh now you're in for it."

Instead of helping me up, like he was supposed to, he pounced, and started tickling me. Dammit. I hate being tickled, and I might have let that fact slip on night with one of our long conversations. 

"GERARD.......STOP.....*GIGGLE*.......CUT....IT...OUT! CAN'T......BREATH.....*GIGGLE*......FINE......YOU *GASP* ASKED FOR IT!"

I flipped him over, to where I was on top and tickling his sides. And man, does that man giggle like a girl sometimes, and then it happened. 

A moment. 

A moment where everything stopped, faded away, and there was just the two of us. 

Gerard had sat up, and our faces were unnaturally close together. We were breathing heavy, and our faces were inching towards each other. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was going to kiss me. ME! I could feel my heart pounding a mile a minute. His hand came up, and tucked back some of my long blonde hair back behind my ear, letting his finger tips trace my cheek, and graze my neck. I could smell his minty breath with a trace of Red cigarettes. My eyes fluttered closed as I anticipated what was to come. But it didn't happen. 

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