Chapter Eight: Meeting Elena

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The doctor walked around the corner, and into the little waiting room we were in. He had an aprehensive look on his face. We all looked up, question marks should have been written on all of our faces. I had gotten off Mikey's lap, and I had positioned myself between the brother's. When I saw the doctor, my hand immediately grabbed Gerard's. He squeezed it tight, never letting go. I stole a glance at him, and he looked like he'd seen a ghost. It was Donna that broke the tension filled silence.


His eyes flicked to her's, and a small smile appeared.

"She's awake, and asking if Donna is here."

Donna stood up, 

"Of course I am."

"Well could you come with me? Your husband too."

"Of course. We'll be right back kids. Gerard, do you want me to tell mom you're here?"

Gerard could only nod in response. I gave his hand another light squeeze. He looked down at me, and I smiled.

"She's awake Gee. That's a good thing."


"Don't doubt me Mr. Way."

He cracked a small smirk,

"Wouldn't dream of it Ms. Mason."

"You guys should totally go out and get it over with."

We whipped our heads to give Mikey a collective 'What the fuck' face. I mean, it'd be nice. I've never had a boyfriend, and as I've already established, I was falling hard and fast for Gerard, but it take two to want to date, and my feelings were one sided. 

"Mikey, watch it."

"What? All I'm saying is that you two are too close to not date."

"We live together, she's my best friend, nothing more. Nothing less."

And what was left of hope just kind of got squashed. But it wasn't the time to let that show, it was a time to be there for Gerard. Be the best friend I had come to be. So I put a big smile on my face, and nodded.

"He's right. You end up being close to someone when you live with them. We're just friends Mikes. Sorry."

"Man, you guys are stupid."

I tilted my head to the side giving him a questioning glace.

"When you have true love right under your nose and you can't or wont see it."

We froze. Well if the room wasn't tense before when the doctor came out, it was now. So to try and defuse the tension, I ruffled Mikey's hair,

"Aww, you're so adorably 14."

What a great subject changer.

"How did you know I'm 14?"

"Gee told me. Your birthday is in September right?"

"Yeah, the tenth. Why?"

"No reason. Just checking."

"Oh. Okay."

I turned to look at Gerard. Who, hadn't let go of my hand since I grabbed it not 20 minutes ago. He had a serious, concentrated face on. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were in a tight line. He doesn't even have this much of a serious face whenever he's sketching. I nudged him, which broke his concentration, and he turned to me slightly annoyed. Well, that's new.

"You're being uncharacteristically quiet."

And then he did something that was so unlike him, he snapped at me.

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