Chapter 7

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Calum POV:

Once mum picks us up she drives us home. I carry Cass up to my room for her to sleep. I tuck her in the comfy blanket and go back to the car to get her stuff. I bring all the bags up to the empty room, along with her ukulele. As I'm waling around her room my phone buzzes, and it's Mikey, again.

M: Hey Cal! Ready 4 the cookout? Im gonna invite Ash and Luke, Abi is super excited!

C: Oh crap, I completely forgot about that! What time is the cookout?!

M: At 7:00, at my house. Hoe could u forget?! Oh and you hav to bring food (I suggest pizza) but it doesn't matter (bring pizza) food is always nice (pizza is better)

C: I get it! ill ask Cass what she wants to make, we are not going to bring pizza. Order it urself,Mikey ur a big boy now. U have to be able to do theses things on you own.

M: Uuuuuhhhhh fineeee, see ya at 7!

C: bye!

I check the time onmy phone 4:30, whew we have time. I go upstairs to my room and I see Cass sitting upright on my bed writing something. She sees me and closes the book quickly.

"Hey Cass, you feeling better"

"Yeah, I guess so...Sorry I ran away, it's and instinct of mine."

I chuckle,"That's okay, oh we have the cookout at 7. It's as the Clifford residents, and we have to bring food. So what do youwant to make. Mikey wanted us to bring pizza but he could just order that."

"How about...mmmmm...We can make cupcakes that look like pizza! I am very good at baking and cooking, I found that out in home-ech class at the orphanage."

"Yes! That would be amazing! Wooh, let's do thing, oh might want to change inot something you don't mind getting messy in."

"Eh, I don't care about getting this ugly uniform dirty, I'll be ok. Let's go bake some cupcakes!"

I take out my laptop and look up cupcake recipes, and something called fondant for the pizza topping look. Cass and I gather all the ingrediants and start the baking processs. Cass is working on making the cupcakes while I color and shape the fondant. It's like edible play-doh! It's Amazing, Cass is a wizard in the kitchen, whisking this, mixing that, throwing away well trash. The cupcakesfinally cool and we can add the fondant. Cass quickly whips up a bag of tan icing for the crust. I taake a look at the cupcakes and my jaw drops. They look super cool! Michael is going to love it. Cass and I make one trip to the store to grab a giant cupcake carrier,so the cupcakes dont get squished and messed up. We get home and I check the clock, 5:55!

"Cass we only have an hour go run upstairs and get ready, and shower and all that. Go, go, go!" She looks at me with a surprised expression and dashes up the stairs. I carfully put the cupcakes in the cupcake container, making sure I don't mess up anything. I run the stairs two steps at a time. I jump when I see Cass step out with her hair in a towel and in a cream colored spaghetti strap dress, with with teal, light pink, and navy blue flower-like splotches. She smiles and slips past me into mum's room. I take a quck shower and put on a blue-plaid flannel and black skinny jeans. Okay I dont look as nice as Cass, but I'm nicer than usual. I bump into Cass in the hallway again! Her wet hair is now in a braid into a braid looking bun.

"Like my hair and dress?," she twirls around a few times then faces me again, " I saw this dress at Forvere 21, mum knows how to do a downward milkmaid braid into a bun!"

"Hey at least you look better than me."

"Oh you look fine... although you might have to fix your nose." She giggles.

"Woah! My nose looks alot like your nose so stop telling me to get my nose fixed when our noses look alike." And I boop her on the nose which makes her giggle again. This girl is very giggle, well it's nice to have some happy people in the house. Again I check the clock, it's 6:30!

"Cass we got to go! It's 6:30, go to the car I'll meet you there, go team go!"

"Bye mum! See you later!" she calls back.

"Goddbye sweetheart! Have a good time! Love you." Mum calls back

I grab my keys and make my way to the garage Cass is already in the car, but she's in the drivers seat.

"Cass get out of the drivers seat, you can't driver yet!"

"How do you know..."

"No we will discuss this later, scoot your butt." Finally we are out of the garage and on the way to the cookout, whew let's hope we get there in time.

Morning Eggplants, I'm saying morning beacuse I was typing this at 5 in the morning. I was bored and couldn't sleep okay. Well hope you all have a very nice, and wonderful day! And decided to do a quote of the day so...

"It's king of fun to do the impossible."

- Walt Disney

Bye everyone! Stay positive!

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