Chapter 3

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Calum POV:

Cass comes back to the office with a ukulele case in her hand. Yes! She can play an instrument, which means she can read music, which also mean I can teach her how to play bass. The case is black, with an indentation of a palm tree. I study the case more until Cass notices.

"Why do you keep looking at my ukulele case? Can you play too? Are you jelous of my unknown ukulele skills?" she says with a smirk on her face.

"First of all i was just observing, second I play bass in a band, and third I highly doubt your ukulele skills match up to my bass skills."

"Oooo, is that a challenge I hear?"

"Yes it is, do you accept, or are you too chicken to try."

"I accept, and just a heads up I'm gonna beat you big time."

"Is that so?"

"It tis' darling, we battle tomorrow, deal?"she sticks out her hand for a hand shake.

"Deal," we shake on it and continue our day like nothing happened.

Mum drops us off at the mall and tells us to call her when we are done. Cass and i start shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch, and make our way through the mall. She gets shirts, and shorts, and shoes, and everything she finds interest in. I see that she starts slowing down after an hour or two so we head over to the food court for lunch. 

"So Cass, what do ya wanna eat?"

"Food of course, or maybe a nice table. Mmmmm."

I stare at her blankly which makes her laugh. Gosh that girl is weird, where does she come up with these ideas. I'm scared to think what's going on inside her brain. I talkCass out of eating atable and we settle for some cheese pizza, YUM! I hear my phone buzz again. Ilookand see that it's Mikey

M:Heyo! Where do u want operation sister meet to take place?

C: Well, i have to ger her a phone, so wann meet at the Apple store?

M:Perfect, Abi has been wanting a new case too

C: alright, operation sister meet activated, see you there Mikey Oh and ps. we are eating pizza without you


I turn off my phone and look up to see Cass starring at me like my hair is on fire. I grin and she just rolls her eyes. Once the pizza is gone I take my beanie and put it on her head.

"What are you doing?" she asks

"Well i need you to cover your eyes, I will guide you i promise."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Can't say, cause then it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Fine, but if i make contact with a pole I'm blaming you." She pulls the beanie over her face right when I pick her up. And off we go to her surprise.

Hello people of wattpad! I am not a skilled writing so don't hate.Okay so change of plans Justine_The_Queen and I have our own separate stories, so no more confusing plots. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy, Oh and to make things clear it takes place in America.

Thanks for reading! Goodbye!

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