Chapter 13

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Calum POV:

I look around the cafe to see where Rose went, but I can't seem to find her. Then it hits me. She looked very interested in the book section of the cafe, so she must be there! I walk over to the book side and see her sitting at a table with...a guy! Where did he come from? How long were they together? Where was I when this happened? As calmly as I can I walk over to her.

"Hey Rose, I have our food. Who's this?"

"Oh thanks Calum. Shawn this is my brother Calum, Calum this is Shawn." She says introducing us. I shake Shawn's hand and feel that he has calluses on his fingers. This guy plays guitar but can he sing?

"Yes Calum, he play guitar and he can sing." Rose sighs.

I look questionably at her and she just rolls her eyes at me. Shawn chuckles "It's like you two are mentally communicating. And frankly, it's quite funny to watch."

I give Rose her food and we sit down to eat, then I remember that we are also in a book store. "Hey Rose, what's a good book?" I say as I glance around.

"Well, Apothacary was really good. And so was this other book called Variant. Why? Do you want to read it?" She asks then I look at her in a "what do you mean why" sort of look then she finally understands.

"Geez Calum, you could have just told me." She turns to Shawn, "What's a book that you really liked.?"

"Mmmmm well, it's not really a book. It's more like a small poem book." He stands up and starts walking over to the wall of books. After a minute or two he pulls out a thin yellow book with the words Beautiful Chaos on the front.

"It's a little book with short poems and some longer ones. It's really good, I come here just to read it." I nod understanding what he means, I turn to Rose and she still looks confused. Shawn also notices and flips the book open to a page. "Here let me show you," I look over his shoulder and read the poem to myself.

"If we move too fast, we will break things.

If we move too slow, we will miss things.

And if we do not move at all, we will not see things for how beautiful they truly are."

"Wow, that's pretty deep. Who wrote this?" I ask

"Robert M. Drake it's a very poetic book and I like to read it sometimes when I have nothing to do." Shawn replies

By the way it's an actual book. If you ever find it somewhere just skim through the pages. But if you aren't a poem liking person then...well you could read it if you wanted to.

"Hey Shawn how old are you?" Rose asks.

"How old do you think I am?"

"Eh, you look about 30." she says sarcastically "I'm just kidding, you look about 16 or 17."

"Well then your guess is correct, I am currently 17 going on 18. And may I ask how old you are?"

Rose smiles at me, "Oh no.Not again" I sigh

Then she starts to sing "I am 16 going on 17 innocent as a rose," Shawn's eyes light up and he joins in. "Bachelor dandies. Drinkers of brandy. What do I know of those." They laugh and I roll my eyes at them.

"You don't understand how many times I've heard that." I say to Shawn.

And he says "Well you don't understand how many times I've wanted to sing that." Then he turns to Rose, "You sing very well. Did you ever have singing lessons?" She shakes her head and grins at me.

My phone buzzes and I take it out to see who texted me. And of course it's Michael.

🍕Mikey: Hey man! How's your morning so far?
Cal: It's pretty good. I am at Stranger Than Fiction with Rose
🍕Mikey: Rose? That girl that spammed you on twitter that one time? Why her! Why not me!
Cal: No not her. Cass, her middle name is Rose so I'm going to call her Rose. And you're never awake before 10.
🍕Mikey: ok whew. Want to take Cass Rose or whatever her name is and Abi to the park or something
Cal: idk maybe, I'll see what we're doing
Bye man see ya later
🍕Mikey: bye babe! Love you
Cal: love you too
I put my phone away and look up at Rose. Her arms are crossed and she has her "you're texting again" face.
"Let me guess" she says to me, "It's the infamous Michael Clifford"
"Indeed it was." Then I turn to Shawn, "It's been very nice meeting you. Hope to see you again soon."
"Bye guys, nice meeting you too. Oh Cassidy wait!" He slips her a piece of paper and whispers something in her ear. I see her blush and she waves goodbye. Wow my sibling is such a flirt. I wonder who she gets it from.

Thank you for reading!! I'll try to update more!! Love you all!!

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