: Chapter Ten: Three's A Crowd :

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: chapter ten: three's a crowd :

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: chapter ten: three's a crowd :

His bedroom was empty again despite Diana having saw him there less than twenty minutes ago. Lucas had been starting a trend of disappearing acts. Diana knew she shouldn't be one to judge as she had been going AWOL most of the time lately but she was worried about him. He was still only a teenager trying to hold the world on his shoulders. Maybe it was only Hawkins, but to those like Diana and Lucas who had never known anywhere different, it was the world. Their world, and now their world had opened up and shown them the true horrors the lay beneath. It was hard to feel safe in your own home when your home was planted on a foundation of unimaginable evils.

Stepping away from the doorway to Lucas' abandoned room, Diana trailed down the hallway slowly that lazy Saturday afternoon. Erica had been spending the day at a friends house and Diana decided it might be the perfect moment to spend time with Lucas and try to rekindle whatever remains were left of their old close sibling relationship. Diana let a yawn fall from her lips, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she descended the staircase. She had gotten home in the early hours of the morning from Steve's house, both teens desperate to not let the night end. Diana wondered if she would see Steve that day but as the hour verged on five o'clock the prospect seemed unlikely. He had told Diana as he dropped her home that he had 'business to take care of',  and she didn't press him for more information than he gave but damn, was she curious to know.

Her father sat perched on the couch, reading through work files, presumably, with the television in the corner murmuring the commentary of a football game. Diana walked around the living room aimlessly about to turn around and head back up to her room when her father's voice stopped her. "When did you get back this morning?" Diana turned around to face him yet her father still sat with his eyes on his file. There was no interrogative tone in his voice, just pure curiousity.

"Early morning. Around three, I think." Diana replied with a small voice. She saw no use in lying to her father, knowing his sly and subtle ways, she was almost sure he probably already knew the answer. Mr. Sinclair hummed in response. "And you were with that Steve Harrington boy? Your mother was saying you're close." This time her father did look up, pulling off his glasses and folding them on his now closed folder, giving her his entire attention.

"Yeah, I was with him. Don't worry though, we're not as close as Mom's thinking." She explained. There was something about her father, she never felt afraid to tell him anything. Diana loved her parents equally and undoubtedly yet there was something always more approachable about her father in these kind of situations. He was a level headed man, always willing to hear all sides to a story before making up his mind. Her father gave her a sad smile and she could only assume it was because he noticed the longing tone in her voice when she thought about them not being as close as she would have liked. She dared to dream that after the night before, they could be slowly heading in that direction. She didn't want to get ahead of herself though.

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