: Chapter Eleven: Flirting 101 With Steve Harrington :

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: chapter eleven: flirting 101 with steve harrington :

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: chapter eleven: flirting 101 with steve harrington :

Diana Sinclair was strongly thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Walking along the abandoned train tracks with a bucket full of raw meat and it's stench wafting through the thick air had Diana resisting the urge to gag. Dustin and Steve walked alongside her, flicking slices of raw meat from their buckets creating a trail for the baby demogorgon. Diana had been relieved earlier to find that when Dustin contacted her brother on his walkie-talkie that he was alive and safe. That put her at ease, Dustin asking her brother to meet them at the junkyard moments later only served to create her feeling of unease again. Lucas had sounded surprised to hear that his friend was currently hanging out with her and Steve and even more weird, that his sister had been hanging out with Steve Harrington. He was shocked by the unlikely trio but agreed to meet them nonetheless. Diana had been zoned out and trying her best to keep herself from hurling each time she threw pieces of meat on the tracks while Dustin was confiding in Steve with his girl troubles.

"All right, so let me get this straight." Steve started, holding out his hand to pause Dustin's ramblings. His shoulder brushed against Diana's, bringing her back to the present and into the midst of their conversation. "You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl, who...who you just met?" The older boy questioned, an air of judgment in his tone. Diana smiled at the two's interaction. Who knew one night of babysitting would turn Steve Harrington into a full blown professional? Okay, she thought, maybe that was exaggerating a good bit.

"All right, that's grossly oversimplifying things." Dustin argued, throwing a piece of meat into the shrubs at the side of the train tracks. Diana couldn't help but wonder when she had gotten herself into this position. Steve shook his head at the younger boy, his frame told Diana he was nowhere near done with trying to reason with the boy. "I mean why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?" Steve countered, gazing over Diana for her opinion too.

"An interdimensional slug? Because it's awesome. Right, Diana?" The curly headed boy asked, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of Diana from across Steve between them. Diana, caught off guard, hesitated for a moment. She couldn't say that searching for such an interdimensional slug with a bucket of processed meat was her idea of a perfect date. "Yeah, Sinclair. Do mutant slugs get you all hot and bothered?" Steve asked, teasing. Diana rolled her eyes and as she started tripping over her words to reply, Steve cut her off, replying.

"Okay, the only slug and the size of it that a girl cares about, is the one in your p..." Before he could finish his sentence, Diana's hand slammed into his right arm, cutting him off and harnessing his attention back to her. "Steve." Diana hissed warningly through her teeth, as the taller boy looked down at her confused. Sighing, knowing his wrong doing he backtracked. "Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I...I just." He began unable to find the words that weren't going to be offensive to the young boy.

"I don't know, I just feel like you're trying way too hard." Steve admitted. Diana had walked a few steps in front of the boys but was now slowing down, interested to know where Steve was going with his comments.

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