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(Dimitri's POV)

As I sat I walked down the hall to the class I turned to see Sylvan flirting with a girl who obviously wasn't enjoying it at all. I sighed and walked over to him giving him a hit on the head, "AHUG! Oh your Highness.." He said rubbing the back of his head as the girl ran away probably going to class.

"Come on let's get to class," I said dragging him across the lawn he sighed and continued to rub his head as we took our seats. As we walked in I noticed that Sensei wasn't there..which was weird she was always here before me.

I turned to Ingrid and got her attention, " you know where Sensei is?" I asked waiting for her to answer she shrugged and was about to say something till Manuela-Sensei walked in. She sighed as she went to the front and grabbed Sensei's book and placed it on the table.

"Sorry about this..(Y/N)-Sensei is currently doing a special mission with my I will teach you in her place." She then put on a smile and started the lesson, but I wasn't really paying attention I was trying to figure out why (Y/N)- Sensei had to go with Manuela-Sensei's class..

After what seemed like 3 hours the bell for recess had finally rung, "Alright class, I'm sure that (Y/N)-Sensei will be back before next class so no worries." She said as we all left class, Dedue and Ingrid followed me to go and eat at the dinning hall. We sat and ate our food till Ingrid began to speak, "I wonder why (Y/N)- Sensei had to go with Manuela-Sensei's class today?" She asked after finishing her plate I nodded at her. 

"I've been wondering that as well." Then soon after the door burst open and Claude and (Y/N) walked in, "Sensei, thank you for helping us you were a real life saver!" I watched as (Y/N)-Sensei smiled at him and said something that I couldn't hear and understand, she then looked at my direction and smiled.

Her (E/C) eyes shined with happiness, I felt my face heat up at the sight of her being so happy. She then said something to Claude and waved at him then made her way to my chair. When she was in front of me she smiled, "Hi Dimitri, Ingrid, and was class with Manuela?" She asked still smiling. Ingrid smiled at her and replied, "It was very..unusual..But it was a fun experience." Dedue just nodded then she turned to me expecting me to answer.

"I-It was okay. She wasn't bad..But I think I'd prefer you more." My eyes opened wide as I realized what I just said, my face started to heat up I looked at (Y/N)-Sensei and saw her smile then she laughed..a cute laugh..

She patted my shoulder and smiled brighter, "Thanks Dimitri." We ended up having a long entertaining conversation until the question again popped into my head, "(Y/N)-Sensei why did you go with Manuela-Sensei's class?" I asked she sighed and scratched the back of her head before answering, "Well the mission that Manuela's class had to do was very dangerous, and well Manuela asked me to lead her class because she didn't trust herself with this situation." 

I nodded and smiled at my Sensei, she always would do everything in her power to help those in need. The bell for text class had rung and everyone started to make there way to the door, Ingrid and Dedue went ahead while I stayed behind trying to pick up the crumbs that I ended up making.

(Y/N)-Sensei also stayed behind to help me, I couldn't help but steal glances of her, her (H/C) hair was a little messy..probably because of the mission she just went on, her face also had a little dirt on it as well, and her shoes were all muddy..but she still looked beautiful.

I blushed as she noticed me staring at her, she smiled and walked with me out of the dinning hall. She then stopped and looked at the view of the lake, "It looks really nice.." she said as she looked at the lake with awe. She the  turned back to me and bowed, "Sorry Dimitri..I got distracted," but I spoke before she was able to finish.

"It's okay Sensei." I said as we continued to walk to class. As we were walking she then asked me, " you trust me?" I looked at her she looked sad about something which made me feel hurt. "I mean..there are others at this school who don't trust me yet, because no one seems to know me as much and that's understandable... but do I look like a trustworthy person." 

I stopped in front of her and took her hands in mine, they were soft and warm which had a nice feeling to it. "(Y/N)-Sensei, of course you look like a trustworthy person. When I first met you I already knew you were someone I can trust..I mean I trust you witb my life." She and I both blushed as I said that.

After a moment of silence she giggled, "Thank you Dimitri." She said as we continued to walk I smiled at her. Then I watched as (Y/N)-Sensei turned around and smiled at me she looked so.. beautiful.

I felt my heart beating faster as we continued the way to class...


(HI, so I actually started to play this game about a week ago and I LOVE IT. And I really love Dimitri so that's why I am making this. I hopped you liked it and I will work hard with the next chapter see you😋) 

(Dimitri x Reader) I'M IN LOVE WITH MY SENSEI?! (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now