(Final Chapter) Together Again...

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(As a reminder no one from this chapter but Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid are from FE3H)

(3rd Person POV)

An army of soldiers began their march down to the village, they planned on taking a rest here and then march on to the next village. "There men, we will take rest here!" the captain yelled to his men. They all cheered as they continued their march, but then the captain noticed something ahead....it seemed to be two people...

"HOLD MEN!" the every soldier stopped in their path and looked up at where their captain was looking. The captain was correct there were two people standing there..as if waiting for them to arrive. "You two there I command you to move!" the captain yelled but the two figures didn't move they continued to stay there, they instead grabbed their weapons and held them out in front of them.

"Alright then men! ATTACK!" as commanded the men ran toward the two people ready to charge. The two figures, also known as the heroes Dimitri and (Y/N) smiled at one another as the parade of  soldiers ran towards them.


(Haru's POV)

I woke up to the sound of hooves beating across the gravel outside, I looked out to see what seemed to be messengers from a nearby kingdom riding on horseback to the front of the castle. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to see uncle Felix, uncle Sylvain, and aunt Ingrid standing at the door. As soon as I ran to uncle Felix the door closed and he turned with what seemed to be a letter. "It is from the nearby kingdom." he said opening it, I peered over my uncle to see what it said.  


My aunt and uncles looked at one another and began to cheer, "Haru! The war is finally over!" uncle Sylvain smiled. I nodded and also felt this joy begin to swell in me, my whole life I have been involved with this war...but now it is done..

"So...does that mean that my parents might come back?" I looked at all of them, but none of them replied. But then uncle Felix walked over to me and patted me on the head, "Of course they will, I know they will Haru." that was the first time I've seen my uncle look so....honest.

The entire day we had a celebration, celebrating the new era of peace. I began to feel tired from everything so I asked my aunt if I could go to sleep. She led me up the stairs and tucked me in neatly, "Aunt Ingrid?" she turned around to me, "Yes Haru? Is something wrong?" she asked.

"My mom and dad really will come back right?" she stared at me for a minute until she finally walked over to me and slowly patted my head. "Yes, just like uncle Felix said I know that they'll come back...we all do." I smiled and nodded.

She left the room leaving me all alone..I closed my eyes waiting for the day when I see my parents. 


I woke up to the sound of what seemed to be hooves beating on the gravel outside, I looked out expecting to see someone from a far off kingdom...but instead there were two people on horseback waiting by the door...the girl looked very beautiful..with nice shiny (H/C) and her eyes were (E/C)..like mine..then the man had an eye patch on his eye and he had blonde hair..like me..

I ran down the stairs without worrying how I looked at the moment, I slowly brought my hand to the handle of the door and opened it ready for what awaited me outside...

I opened the door to see the two people now off of their horses and now they were looking at me. The girl was about to cry while looking at me, and the man...also looked like he was ready to tear up..

"Mom....dad?" the girl finally couldn't take it anymore she ran over to me and brought me into a hug. "Haru! I'm so sorry, I promise I won't ever leave you again!" I felt my eyes beginning to sting. "M-Mom...it really is you.." I hugged her back crying in her arms. I looked up at my father, he walked over to me and my mother and put his arms around all of us.

"Haru," my father began, "I am sorry for leaving you like that....me and you mother promise we will take care of you...and never leave you again." I smiled at my father. 

"I-I'm so happy to be with you guys again." my mother and father smiled at me as I put my head in between them...this marked the happiest day of my entire life..


(3rd Person POV)

Dimitri and (Y/N) took great care of Haru for the past month, Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid, and everyone from the Blue Lions were happy with their return. Dimitri and (Y/N) would tell Haru the stories of the adventures they had together while ruling their kingdom together as a family.

"Dimitri...I'm glad that I had this adventure with you.." (Y/N) smiled, Dimitri kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm glad as well..my love.." they smiled at one another ready for the future they are about to face.


(THANK U FOR READING THIS! I hope that you will read my other works! BYEEEE!)

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