The Surprise..

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(Dimitri's POV)

As I walked (Y/N) back to her room I couldn't help but hold her hand tightly. As we made it to her room she suddenly began to cough..a lot. "Hey, are you alright?" I asked she nodded and waved me away, "Yes i'm fine..thank you." 

But something in my gut told me she was wrong....she then covered her mouth and ran over to the trash can and vomited in it. She sat on her bed and continued to vomit, I then began to worry..

When she finished I helped her on her bed and sat next to her, "You know...I can call Hanneman-Sensei to check on you." She shook her head and I sighed. I knew that something was wrong and I wouldn't feel better until I knew what, so I helped her up and against her wishes began to take her to the infirmary.

I opened the door to see Hanneman reading a book on..crest. He looked up and immediately looked at (Y/N), "Oh..dear. Did something happen?" I shrugged, "She claims she's okay but I doubt it." she lightly hit me in the side.

"Well come on then and i'll have a look at her."

As we walked down the hall, (Y/N)'s skin began to feel hotter and hotter the longer I held her. Soon enough Hanneman helped her into a room and told me to wait outside. 

I could feel my heart beating as time ticked by, then about a few minutes later Hanneman came out and looked at me.

"Well...I seem to know the problem, come Dimitri." he said as he lead me into the room, he glared at me as I sat in the seat next to (Y/N)'s bed.

"Dimitri..I want to ask you this question and I need you to be completely honest with me," I nodded and waited for his question.

"did you....did you and (Y/N) have sex?" I choked on the air, coughing for a few seconds then returned to normal. My head felt hot with embarrassment, "Y-Yes..." I said trying to hide my shame. 

Hanneman sighed and then smiled at me, "Well...I can't say that the two of you were meant to be..but," he paused.

"But what?" I asked feeling worried. 

"Dimitri....I hate to say this may become a father. (Y/N) is pregnant with your child."


(REEEETTTT!! Sorry..I was having a moment. But yep....anyway I hoped this chapter was interesting to some. Sorry that this was rather short but...I had to air this. Also I wanted to thank all the people who have been reading my hard work, you guys are awesome! Also my followers too, thank you for following me! So then I will work hard with the next one guys!! BYEEEE)

(Dimitri x Reader) I'M IN LOVE WITH MY SENSEI?! (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now