For The First Time...

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( (Y/N)'s POV )

As I opened my eyes I could see nothing but...debris..I stood up and gasped at the sight. A village was burned leaving nothing but wood and burned prices of trash everywhere, dead bodies were found just lying around, and animals ran out from under the debris.

"Oh thank goodness your alive." I turned to see a man..who looked familiar. "Thank you for saving me." I said, the man of course obviously looked royal. He had a nice white and gray outfit, with dark blue hair and a moustache, he also had eyes that was the same color.

"I am Rodrigue, the Duke of Fraldarius." He said with a smile. I gasped as I realized why he seemed so familiar.

"Could it be that you have a son named Felix?" I asked he nodded and also seemed to realize something for he had the same expression I had. "So must be (Y/N)! By the gods everyone thought you died." 

"So what happened here?" Rodrigue sighed, "My dear this world is now at that the monastery is down Lady Reha gone...war has broken out."

I couldn't breathe..the monastery was...gone. "But then where are the others?" "Everyone is safe....except Dimitri hasn't been found yet..." I whimpered and fell to my knees. Dimitri was....gone.

"How many years has it been?" I asked Rodrigue looked away as he replied, "Its been 7 years." I began to cry...Dimitri...the love of my life gone. "I can take you to the castle Felix is there." I looked up and nodded and with that I got up on his horse and we rode down the path to the castle.


As we finally made it to the castle it became night, Rodrigue led me up the steps and into the castle. As soon as the door opened I was greeted by Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid who looked as though they were having a conversation.

The moment I entered they all turned to me each with a surprised expression on their faces. "(Y/N)!" Ingrid cried as she ran up to me. I also felt tears stream down my face as I hugged her back. She led me to a seat and they all began to talk about what had happened on the day the dragon apppered and the aftermath of it all.  

"That's...terrible." Ingrid sighed, "Yes it truly was." She said with deep sadness. "So then...Dimitri is missing." They all looked at me in silence which I guess means it's true.

"Well...I'm going to find him." They all looked at me with fear. "W-What?! You are?" Sylvain asked. I nodded at him, "Yes, I will not stand by and not at least try to look for him." They all looked at one another and sighed.

"Well then...can you at least meet your son." I quickly turned my head to Felix, "My...son?" "Yes, is is alive and Ingrid have been taking care of him."

I gasped as what Felix said finally sunk into son was here..and alive. "Alright then..." I said as Felix and Ingrid walked me up the stairs to his room. As we finally reached the door my heart began to beat faster and faster.

"Okay here it is," and with that Felix opened the door into Haru's room. I felt my heart beat faster as I saw my son laying on the bed in front of me. I slowly stroked my son on the face and then I kissed him on the cheek, "Don't worry Haru...I'll bring dad back..I promise." I smiled at him and turned back to Felix.

"Please take care of him for me a little longer." I asked. He nodded and smiled, "I will I promise." I walked out of the room glancing back at my son for the last time before closing the door.

I was glad to see him for the first time....and I hope I would see him again with Dimitri by my side.


(Thank you for reading and I hope you will read the next chapter BYEE😋😋)

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