The Promise We Made...

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(Dimitri's POV)

It's been a whole month sense (Y/N) has been shot from the arrow. Everyone would come and visit from time to time as well as the teachers and Lady Reha. But I came whenever I had the chance, after class, before dinner, and before I go to sleep...everyday waiting to see (Y/N) smile again..and her beautiful eyes..and to hear her voice again.

Today for example was like any other, I woke up and walked to class with Dedue by my side. When I entered I was greeted by Manuela, "Good morning Dimitri." she said with a smile I smiled back at her as I walked to my seat next to Claude. Sense (Y/N) wasn't here, Manuela volunteered to teach our class till she wakes up, but because of that her class had to mix with ours so it was a very big class.

Claude smiled at me, "Yo Dimitri!" he said with a big smile on his face. I waved at him and sat down. "Alright class we will now begin our lesson today." Manuela began walking to her desk now.  

Today's class was nothing out of the ordinary we were continuing to learn about how to control yourself on a battlefield and stuff like that. I couldn't help but feel a little bored, I remembered when (Y/N) taught us this on a battlefield. We had to fight a bunch of bandits who were slaying villagers, she taught us the basics before we ran out into battle.  

After Manuela's teachings I ran out of class straight to the infirmary, I walked all the way down to (Y/N)'s room to see Hanneman-Sensei taking notes on a seat next to her. He looked up at me and smiled, "Hello Dimitri, here again to visit?" I nodded he stood up and put the clipboard on the table.

"Well I must take my leave, but remember if anything happens just yell for a nurse and they should come inside to help." I nodded at him as he left. I turned to face (Y/N), she looked better hen she did last month..her skin was regaining it's color and her hair was a little fixed up because Mercedes comes by most of us time to fix it.

She looked almost perfect..I grabbed her hand and held it tight wishing with all my heart for her to wake up..

( (Y/N) POV )


" that was painful. Hey come on its finally time to you to wake up. " I woke up to the sound of Sothis's voice I opened my eyes to see her looking down at me. I smiled at her, "Hello Sothis." She sighed and walked back to her chair and sat down.

"Sorry for the wait..I had to heal and regain some of my power so I couldn't reverse time..and well I tried my best healing you here and it looks as if you can go back." I smiled at her as I slowly stood up. "Can I really?" I asked her hopeful. She nodded and started her magic, "However..I don't how long you've been out so be prepared for what you see." I nodded as I closed my eyes hopping that Dimitri and everyone was safe..


I felt something holding on to my hand I opened my eyes to see Dimitri holding my hand and his head was on the bed faced down. I smiled feeling tears coming down my face, I squeezed his hand and he jolted up from the sudden feeling. He looked at me and his eyes opened wide, "(Y/N)..." He said with suprise and excitement in his voice 

I smiled at him, "Hi Dimitri I'm sorry that-," but before I could finish he pulled me into a hug, he squeezed me tightly in his arms. "Don't apologize...don't apologize for anything." I smiled as tears came down my eyes, j then put my arms around him happy to be back.

After waking up Dimitri had called Hanneman who also was happy to see me awake, and before I knew it everyone I knew came even my whole class. I smiled and waved as they came one by one to give me hugs and handshakes. They all soon had to leave because Hanneman had asked if I could be fed and showered, which sounded good to me.

Afterwards Hanneman had asked me a whole bunch of questions which I knew I had to try and come up with some answer for them all. After his questonaire game he asked if I wanted to try and walk again, "You've been in a comma for a whole month now, if you wish you can try to see if you can walk." I nodded and lifted my body up and pushed myself off the bed.

I kinda wobbled a little but soon after I was able to stand perfectly, then I tried to walk back and forth in the room and I did very well, Hanneman agreed that I could walk again but I would need help.

"You can walk which is great, however for me to feel good about it I would like a person to watch you just in case of an accident t or some mishap." He said I nodded then all of a sudden Dimitri came to mind, i tried to get the thought out of my head. Hes already done so much for me..I didn't want to bother him with this as well.

"Lucky for you I know just the person to help you. He's been here everyday helping me trying to find ways to make you better." I felt my heart began to beat faster, Dimitri came to mind again.

"I'll go get him you just wait tight." He said leaving the room, so I waited wanting to see this person more then anything in the world...

(Dimitri's POV)

I waited outside the hospital for (Y/N), everyone had things to do elsewhere but I didn't, I wanted to see her. So I decided to wait till Hanneman left so I could see her, that was till I heard someone calling me. "Dimitri?" I turned to see Hanneman smiling at me he walked towards me, " Dimitri I have a favor to ask of you," I turned at him waiting for what he had to say. "I want you to watch over (Y/N) for me, I mean she's perfectly fine so far but just in case..I wanted someone close to her near so she's safe." 

I slightly blushed when he mentioned "someone close to her." I nodded at him and left for her room. The hallway was filled to the brim with nurses and monks walking around the corners. It took me awhile but I finally made it up to (Y/N)'s room I was about to open the door till I stopped. I took a deep breath and smiled as I opened the door, I looked to see (Y/N) her eyes wide as I closed the door.

She then began to cry, I ran over to her and knelt in front of her. "(Y/N), why the tears is something wrong?" I asked worried but she shook her head she put her hands around my neck and her head on my chest. "Dimitri why do you always help me-you are too kind to me and I-I never had done anything for you." She sobbed.

I pushed her back so that I could see her face and I shook my head, "No you've done enough for me, you don't need to say that ever. You being with me is enough. It was my fault that you ended up the way you did I broke our promise to protect one another," 

(Y/N) watched me with suprise as I smiled at her, "I care about you too much to lose you.." she blushed a little which made me blush, there was a long silence until she began to speak, "Thank you Dimitri." She said as she held me tighter.

I smiled and put my arms around her never wanting to let go...


 (Guys..I just woke up his morning to see that this thing got more views this morning and I was like woah..but thank you guys for that I really appreciate it! I am going to work hard with the next chapter..we ya!😋)

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