Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share this story with you! I have worked so hard on this one, I hope you guys like it!

Remember, this story is copyrighted, and no copies are tolerated, or there will be consequences. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, photocopying, mechanical, recording, and so on without the permission of the author. Any unauthorized copying, manipulation, broadcasting, distribution, or selling of this novel constitutes an infringement of copyright, which is punishable by law.

Okay, enough acting all badass and all. Kidding, don't steal my story. It's not nice. At all.

I just wanted to say, this is my first book ever, and my goal is for you to like it. If you have any questions, please leave a comment, and I'll try my best to answer all of you!

*inhales* here we go.

Have a nice reading!

Chapter 1

Droplets of water started pouring down the cold pavements of the road, scarring every exposed inch to the nature. The green leaves darkened their colour as if they had been waiting for the pouring rain impatiently to scar them. They indeed had been waiting for a long period of time, we were in the middle of summer after all. Who wouldn't like some freshness coming right from the sky?

It seemed as if god felt bad that we were burning like scrambled eggs under the sun, so he decided to cry so we could cheer.

I loved rain; I always had. Since I was a little child, I would tiptoe to the balcony and listen it pour upon our roof without anyone noticing. Sometimes, I would even sneak out when nobody was at home and expose my little body at the pouring droplets of water, getting my clothes soaking wet--not once feeling mad. I liked the sensation it gave me.

Those were the little happy moments I remembered. I wish I had a lot more like those.

I refused to remove my eyes from the rain, but the screeching voice calling for me, was too loud to ignore. The only thing that kept this house out of the miserable silence, was her voice and the tapping of her feet when she would pass by. Most of the time, I would stay in my room, not bothering to remind them I still existed.

"Grace!" There comes that name again. The name I grew fond of so quick. It reminded me of who I had become. How sad and miserable I really was. Everytime I heard my name being called, I remembered. But before the memories could start to cycle through my mind, I pushed them away. I didn't want to remember the things that had showed me the ugly side of life at an early age.

"Grace! Don't act all deaf on me!" She yelled, as I stepped into the kitchen.

I looked into her eyes. Anyone would say they were just eyes, but oh, you could read so much through them. Just like at that moment, I could read her like an open book. Desperation, sadness and anger. You could tell she hated people and all she could think about was money. She always said that if you had money, you could buy everything.

I wish I could prove her wrong.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I had my earphones on."

That was how it went between us. We lied to each other but none of us would say anything. As days flew by, we started to believe our own lies.

"Just help me with these." She gestured to the dirty dishes and I started to wash them quietly, while she carried on preparing our dinner.

Time passed quickly, the only sound coming from the sink and the boiling water with pasta in it. But of course, the soothing peace the house had, was cut short by a loud sudden noise errupting from the main hallway, loud heavy footsteps coming closer and closer, until a large shadow appeared near the door of the kitchen.

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