Chapter 3

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Hello, loves!

How have you been?

Here's the third chapter for you! I wanted to thank everyone for your support and kind words. I hope I won't disappoint you.

Love you!


Chapter 3

Rays of sunshine hit my eyes, as I scowled in relief, desperately waiting all night for morning to come, and now that it did, I felt bad, not wanting to leave my dearest friend get cold. I let out a sigh, eyeing my bed as a sign of apology, as I got up and headed to the bathroom. But before doing so, I checked outside the window for any black hooded guys.

The roads were pretty empty, no soul walking the streets, the sky above changing slowly from gloomy, into cheerful and vibrant. I looked at the night table, checking the time.

Half past six.

I sighed. Again, I didn't sleep one bit. No, it wasn't because of the weird stalking thing. I have had sleep issues since little, even to this day. Sleep wasn't made for me, but something different played out last night, that made me feel restless. Now that I saw the black hooded guy stalking me, it meant that this house was not safe anymore for me to stay.

What if that guy was passing by the road or waiting for someone?

Don't tell me that was a coincidence, because no person right in their mind, gets comfortable standing in front of a stranger's house for fun! It was clear someone was stalking me.

A shiver run down my spine at the thought of that guy, being one of the men that worked for him. I couldn't bare the thought of him finding out where I was.

I don't know what I'd do.

I let out a sigh, as I rubbed my forehead, deciding it was best to discuss this with Vincent first.

It was already nine in the morning, when I headed outside the house in one particular destination. College hasn't started yet, which meant, I had four weeks left, before I attended one of the best colleges in town, different from the one I was before. I was forced to change colleges, due to moving from place to place all the time.

One more year and I could have the diploma in my hands, create a good life.

I didn't even know how I managed to push those years by, but I was glad I did. I couldn't wait to get out of there, to think I hadn't even gotten in yet. For now, I attended an art school for practice, since the beginning of summer. Whoever wanted could go there, since it was free. Kids, teens, even elderly adults could take lessons. In my class, there were more elders than teens, but that wasn't a problem. You could attend whenever you wanted to and leave if you didn't feel like doing anything in particular.

My destination was soon reached, as I headed towards the big door of the atelier and walked into the usual room with dozens of canvas and paintings. As all the doors stayed open, fresh air collapsed with my face, making me sigh in pleasure. Birds were chirping from the window at the back of the class, trees moving in symphony with the birds' songs, the atmosphere simply dreamy.

I smiled at the teacher, mouthed a quiet 'sorry' for being late, and rushed to my seat. As I walked deeper inside the room, I was greeted with the same people I was used to see every time I came here. I gave them all a warm smile, and made my way to my seat, trying not to distract the rest of the class, as they were working silently, but noticed it was taken.

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