A New Life

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Joannas POV~
"That's it...

Im done"

I thought to myself as I got two trash bags from the kitchen as quietly as I could making sure not to wake my step family and stuffing my important items into the bags.I then proceeded to take a sheet of paper and a writing utensil and write down.

   Dear Family,

              Im so sorry but I just can't take it anymore. My life isn't important, I just have no more motivation to wake up in the morning and live a life I don't want anymore, so Ive decided to take my life...

  Please don't bother looking for my body, I've gone to a river where I can go peacefully. By morning time, I'll be dead somewhere in the ocean.



Okay, so maybe faking a suicide isn't a good idea and something to fake, but you don't know my step family. They have no care for me and I mean it, they're abusive.... emotionally and physically.

Once, when I was a little girl, around 8 or 9, they beat me because I didn't clean the house while they were out and locked me in the dark basement until the next day. I remember crying myself to sleep that night, they yelled at me to shut up and when I didn't, my step father came down and beat me so hard I had bruises on my shoulders for an entire month.

You may be wondering how I ended up with them and who lives, or lived, with me.
My mother and father fell in love when they were teenagers.
I live, or lived I should say, in London.
My parents grew up there and became friends as children. They're names were Angella and Victor.
As they started to become teens they developed feelings twords each other.
Eventually they started to date and after sometime got married. Of course they had me sometime after. My father was over the moon that the women he loved was pregnant with his child and my mother was thrilled to have a baby with her precious husband. Nine months later, I was born and everything seemed perfect.

  3 years later my mother got very ill and wasn't strong enough to fight the battle with the disease.

Me and father were devastated at the outcome of the situation. My mother was my world, and she meant everything to me and papa.

   I still remember what she looks like

Long dark brown hair with ringlet curls that looked black at times, light tanned skin with chocolate freckles along her cheeks.

People say I look just like her

Same hair and features, I was basically a younger version of her.

   After her death, papa knew he had to be strong, for me. He needed to be there for me and in a way I needed to be there for him too.
Some time had passed and we got by, us two, it was hard though, there wasn't a day that went by that we didn't think of mama. She was to special to just be replaced as a memory although she was just a sweet memory now.

    A year later my dad met another women. Her name was Emily. She had fair skin with long wavy hair with blue eyes.
He fell in love with her.

I was furious at my father for forgetting about mama and having another women please him.
I had my reasons for not liking Emily, for example, she always hated having me around, especially when I was around her and papa.

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