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Time skip~ 2 months later

Eriks POV~

Joanna and I continued to talk. Every night after her shift at work she would come to see me. I grew fond of her coming down to visit, she had become a good and close friend, she was my only friend as a matter of fact. We talked and smiled, laughed and cried. There were certain times when our eyes would meet and it would be hard to break away.

She became more happier and her nightmares didn't come as often. Her bruises were almost completely gone. She smiled more often and wasn't as shy anymore. I'm glad I saved her that night because if I hadn't, she wouldn't be here... With me. In a way, Joanna also helped me. She brought me an amount of happiness I hadn't had since Christine left me. With her silliness and random comments that brought a smile to my face. I don't know how to describe it but I all I knew was that I'm glad she was here

Joannas POV~

  I sat on upon my bed, writing in a old journal I had. My shift was over and I felt the need to write. I sat in the room, illuminated by candles I placed around every corner. I was getting better and I knew it was all because of Erik. If he hadn't saved my life that night I would have jumped falling to my death.

Erik slowly became my best friend. Though he was a bit distance twords me sometimes, I know he cares. I don't blame him for being distance. He's just scared that I might leave him like Christine did. He just wanted to protect his heart. But I would never leave him, he means to much to me.

Friday evening - Joannas POV~
After my work shift I went to see Erik as usual. I was sitting on the floor reading a book I bought at the book store a couple days ago. As I reached a new chapter, I blushed and gave a low giggle while reading the pages:

  I slowly ran my hands over her beautiful body and placed kisses on her lips and down her neck. She was as beautiful as the evening sunset and I was deeply in love with her. As we ended on the bed, she on her back and I atop of her, I started to remove her dress and she my shirt. It was a different feeling getting the opportunity to touch someone skin to skin. I was surprised when she put one hand on my shoulder, the other on my waist and begin to roll her hips. It was a sensational feeling that drove me insane. I knew I wanted it, I wanted her. I could tell that from the burning passion in her eyes she wanted it to.

I couldn't help but blush and giggle and give a little smile. I've never actually "done it" with someone before,I've never even had a first kiss, and so reading this made me think a little a dirty thought. I continued on my reading but before I could get to the graphic stuff Erik came up to me. I looked up at him as he towerd over me. "What's so amusing?" He asked with a smug face and curious tone. I looked down and the book and turned to the next page. "No no, nothing" I said with a grin. He bent down to where his knees weren't on the ground if not a couple of inches away from the floor, and looked at the tittle of the book, then at me. Every time he gets close to me like that, I get this feeling, I'm not quite sure how to describe it but it's a good feeling. I went back to the page and yet again continued to read it. I tried to hide my widening smile but of course failed and before I knew it Erik snatched the book from my hands.

Eriks POV~

I took the book out of her hands and read the page she was on while smiling. She immediately rushed after me trying to snatch the book back.

   "Ay AY!" I could hear her Spanish accent peeking through. It was very lovely and rather....attractive.

"Give it back!" She was in back of me, her hands were over my shoulders trying to retain the book.She was short so of course she failed. She was moving all around to get the book back. We were moving like maniacs and tumbled over each other. Now on the floor still fighting over the book, I was on the bottom and she was on top of me. She got closer to me as I pulled the book further away from her by reaching my arm the opposite direction. She was annoyed of course but giggling and smiling throughout the entire time, and so was I. For some reason it was actually enjoyable seeing her this way, laughing, annoyed, fighting back, it was... a turn on about her in a way. Her eyes were on the book, desperately trying to get it back "whats so important about this book that you would kill me to get it back?" I smirked at her and she stared at me with a slight smile. "Nothing!!!" She yelled at me sounding nervous. Her eyes went back on the book and she reached even further to get it. I looked away from her face for a moment and looked down. My gaze froze. I noticed that her.... chest and breast were only inches away from my face. Her legs were on either side of me for she was on my lap. I looked further down and was met with her body from the hips and up. I hadn't noticed the scenerio we were in until now, I hate to admit it but I was rather turned on by what was happening..and by her. I kept looking at her body. As I had noticed before, she definitely had some shape to her but this time, I got to see it up close. I was not the type of man to want a woman just for her body but she had a gorgeous figure to her. Most of the girls around the Opera House were all skin and bones but she had lovely curves that suited her perfectly. I became a bit distracted and she climbed even more on me and I groaned as her body brushed and got closer to mine. She snatched the book back and backed away but she was still sitting on me.  "HA!" She closed the book. She looked at me and then the book again. I stood still not knowing what to do. I expected her to get up but she didn't. She was no longer looking at the book. Her eyes went everywhere except on me. They went to the side then to her book, but she didn't look at me, not my face at least. I think she also noticed the position we were in, she got red. I looked at her body again, her figure was absolutely captivating and I felt so drawn to her in that moment. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to do anything to her or make her feel uncomfortable, but I didn't want to get up or want her to get up either.  She must've seen that I was starring "Are you alright?" She asked still not looking at me.

Joannas POV~

I was sitting on Eriks lap with my legs on both sides of his. I was trying my absolute best not to look at him. I didn't know exactly what to do, but I felt quite comfortable on him. I didn't want to get up just yet but I didn't know how he felt. Although I couldn't see him, I felt his eyes on me. I tried not to look as nervous as I really was. I got that feeling I always get when I'm around Erik except this time it was more intense. I blushed because of the position we were in. I was on his lap facing him but not looking at him, I was to nervous to look at him.  "Are you alright" I asked him. "Y-yes" As nervous as I was, I looked straight into his eyes. I found that I couldn't look away, he was a magnetic attracting me. "Okay" I really didn't know what to do. I began to wonder Am I attracted to Erik? That question didn't take long to answer, I was on top of him and didn't want to get up. Of course I was. I took a glance at his lips. Lips so soft and kissable. He doesn't feel the same way. I knew it. I was not going to ruin my friendship with him, I couldn't afford it. I got up and so did he. I gave him a smile before going back to sitting on the ground and reading...but I couldn't stay focus on the book. All these questions ran through my head: Do I have feelings for him? Does he possibly feel the same? Was love with him?


I was about to jump off the roof when suddenly a man appeared and began to speak to me. He put out his hand for me to grab. I did. He helped me get down and for a moment our eyes had locked into one anothers and I felt...a spark, you could say.

   Wait!" He stepped in my way so I couldn't go back in.Once again he reached out for me to take. "Will you follow me?"  I stared at his hand, then at him, then back at his hand. "How do I know I can trust you?" I didn't know if he was annoyed or not by my question.

  "I saved your life, and your asking me such a ridiculous question."

  I knew he was right. I stared at him then his hand and took it.

*end of flashback*
Of course I am. I am in love with Erik. I knew since the very first moment I saw him.

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