She's Different

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Joannas POV~

I was staring at the man whom had saved my life. I took his hand again, as I did I saw his eyes traveling my body, paying attention to every detail of me. He saw I noticed and quickly stopped.He then lead me over to a seat and began to walk around.

  "So....are you going to tell me who you are...or your name at least."

   He turned to face me but didn't answered.

  "What should I call you by then"

"My name is Erik"  I stayed silent not knowing what to say next then suddenly I asked
" did you know I was up on the roof?"

"I happen to be out there myself"

"Theres no way, I would have seen you"
"Are you sure, your eyes must have been watery from crying"

I held my breath for a minute.

"Are you going to tell me anything about you..."

"Not yet"

"So am I allowed to leave" my tone changed from a confident women to a frighten child.


I didn't ask anymore questions and allowed him to talk first.

" it?"


"that's a lovely name...never heard it before"

"Tell me, Joanna, what drives someone so insane that makes someone so young want to end it all?"

His tone didn't sound friendly at all if not, a more curious one. I didn't look him straight in the eyes...I couldn't. I didn't want to tell him the truth... I had only just met him... I couldn't tell him.




"Can you be more specific"
He got closer and I stiffened up.

Eriks POV~
"Problems? Can you be more specific?"

I walked closer to her and she seemed to stiffen up as I did.

She stayed silent, she didn't want to answer my question. I saw that he mood had changed as well. She went from a women to a child again. I didn't want to interrogate her, she did just try to kill herself because of her "Problems" but I would get it out of her the next time we meet.

"Answer me something Joanna, how old are you"


Thoughts rushed through my head, she didn't look her age at all. She was short, five feet at most, she had the face of a thirteen year old child, baby like, and there was an innocence that surrounded her (well, it looked like at least) Although when it came to her body, she definitely had her. I scanned her before setting her down on a seat. She noticed I was starring and I immediately stopped. I didn't want to be disrespectful

"I see. Where do you come from?"

"Well, I came from London, but Im Hispanic."
Hispanic I thought to myself. I've heard the rumours about Hispanic women, that they were tramps and very inappropriate, but also that they were tremendously beautiful..... the second rumour wasn't wrong. She was fairly attractive, though I was not going to have anything with her, I didn't see her as that. I merely brought her for company and work...she could be useful for sneaking around the Opera House for me, she was very easy to manipulate I could tell. I wouldn't take advantage of her anyway... I wasn't that kind of man. I'm barely a man at all, but I do have a heart. I saw that her hands were on her shoulders a lot.
"Are you cold?"
"your hands seem to be on your shoulders"
I then went to look for something to put over her. I grabbed one of my cloaks and began to put it around her, my gloved hands lightly brushed against her neck and she quiverd at my touch.
"Im sorry"
"Its quite alright"
I noticed some faint purple spots on her neck as I removed my hands.
I wouldn't ask her about them, she wouldn't answer, but I would eventually.  We had a lovely conversation actually, it lasted for two hours.
"Well, I should be bringing you back by now Joanna. Thank you for granting me these enjoyable moments"
"It was my pleasure" She gave me a smile and I felt... different. I haven't had this feeling since Christine left me. No, I was not in love with Joanna, but she made me feel better and happy, in a friendly way.

"I can manage my way back thank you"

"I will see you tomorrow then"


"Yes, tomorrow"

She nodded her head and I could see a small smile appear on her face.Im not someone who is easly to talk to and even less likely to have a friend, No one can make me happy but Joanna...she-she was different. She didn't ask why I wore a mask which made me more confident and comfortable being around her. I knew I wanted her in my a friend.

Joannas POV~
I walked back up too my room. I took the way that didn't involve me to cross the lake and made it back upstairs. I closed the door to my bedroom and stood up against it. I didn't know why, but I was smiling, I wasn't ear to ear grinning, but my lips were definitely in a small smile. I saw something in Erik that Id never seen in anyone. He cared, I saw that he did. I was planning to visit him tomorrow again, like he said, to get more background on him, and perhaps, he'd get some on me as well. I layed upon my bed staring out the window that was near me. As I said it wasn't a very big room, so I could see out the window quite alright. The moon shune bright, it was a full moon. My eyelids became heavy and I soon drifted off to sleep.

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