He saved me

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Eriks POV~

The girl stood there, still standing on the edge of the roof, staring at me. I walked up to her to speak once more.

"I dont think you really want to"
I was now standing in front of her. I reached out my hand for her to take

"Let me help you"

She then took it and I helped her down.  Our eyes met for one quick moment before I let her go and backed away as soon as I made sure her feet were on the ground. She continued to look at me.

  "Who are you?" she asked

Joannas POV~

I was about to jump off the roof when suddenly a man appeared and began to speak to me. He put out his hand for me to grab. I did. He helped me get down and for a moment our eyes had locked into one anothers and I felt...a spark, you could say. He then backed away. "Who are you?" I asked. I had never seen this man around the Opera House before. He wore a mask on the left side of his face which made me even more curious about him. "You'll find out soon enough" his voice sounded almost.... seductive.

   It was deep and sounded mean but also warm and safe.

"What is your name?" He asked

"Joanna" I replied

"Joanna" he repeated. The way he said it made me shiver. I nodded my head and stared for a moment.

"What's yours?" I asked him

"You'll know later on" I wondered why he was being so secretive but I wouldn't force him to tell me anything, I didn't want to anger him.

"Well... thank you for..um..f-for ..saving me.." I was about to walk away and return to my bedroom but I was stopped.

"Wait!" He stepped in my way so I couldn't go back in.

Once again he reached out for me to take. "Will you follow me"

  I stared at his hand, then at him, then back at his hand. "How do I know I can trust you" I didn't know if he was annoyed or not by my question.

  "I saved your life, and your asking me such a ridiculous question."

  I knew he was right. I stared at him then his hand and took it. He brought me back to the dark Opera house. I was nervous yes, but I didn't feel afraid of him, not after saving me from making a horrible mistake. He lead me deeper into the Opera Populaire, then again our eyes had met once more and I felt that same feeling I felt earlier. His blue eyes stared into my chocolate brown eyes. I felt my stomach drop for a moment before coming back up. He looked away and I had snapped out of it.

  "Where are are you taking me"

He didn't turn to face me at my question.

"Don't woryy, I won't hurt you"

"I know you wouldn't" I blurted out,  shocked by my spontaneous comeback.

I continued...

"But that didn't answer my question"

I saw a small smirk at the corner lf his mouth...

Eriks POV~

"I know you wouldn't,But that didn't answer my question"

  There was a diffrence in her voice, she sounded more like a women than the frighten little girl I saw before. I smirked at her tone. She told me her name was Joanna, it was unique.. and I like unquie.

  "I'm bringing somewhere you'd never find in your entire lifetime"

  "And that is?"

"You'll see"

I opened the mirror that lead to my lair, there were many throughout the Opera House, I used the one closest to me to get her down below as soon as possible

(Get your head out of the gutter> especially you Tosheria,😂)

  "What exactly are you planning to do with me?" ( again, OUT.OF.THE.GUTTER.)

"You ask a lot of questions don't you"

"Well I don't know you, you won't tell me your name or who you are or where you're taking me, so yes, I am rather curious as too what you want."

  Her replied left me rather....shocked. No one, especially a female, has ever had the confidence to talk to me like that. She wasn't the innocent,frighten child she acted she was (OUUUT. THEEE.GUTTERR)

  I lead her through the tunnel, acrossed the lake, and into the lair. She was of course very confused. I walked closer to her. In the light I saw her features more clearer than I did in a dark room. She had a button shaped nose, dark but beautiful brown eyes, rosey cheeks with a small amount of freackles on her upper cheeks. I hate to admit but she was actually... quite... lovely.

  I had once more reached out my hand which she took

  "You do a lot of hand holding don't you"

She narrowed her eyes and they burned into mine, she gave me a slight smirk. If I wasn't absolutely certain before... I was now.... She was no innocent child....

(To be continued....)
Okay y'all, i started High School today... Im a freshman... So... Yea. Thats an update on my life. I definitely will still be writing because I love to!!!💖💖 see ya soon
  Yours truly~


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