To Be In Love

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One week later
Joannas POV~
This is bad. This is really really bad. I can't be in love with Erik. There isn't a chance for him and I. Not because of of he looks, if not, because I knew he didn't feel the same. I knew that he was in love with Christine. He's told me what she has done to him, and I feel sorry for Erik. He's never been loved before. I should mention, I've never seen the masked side of his face with the mask, though I would care not for what he looks like, I feel in love with him because of his beautiful soul. His kindness twords me, his passion for love and music, his smile that made me weak, his memorizing eyes that I could never look away from. He could make me do anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. If that man told me to get on my knees and beg I would do exactly that. I was getting in too deep. I knew Erik would never love me. He was so in love with Christine, there wasn't a chance for me. I saw a sketch he had drawn of her the other day. She had beautiful,long, dark fluffy curls, a perfect face with a perfect face shape, and an amazing body. A small waist with a big chest(if you know what I mean) and big hips. She was absolutely stunning. I didn't stand a chance compared to her, she was beautiful and I wasn't. My curls were a bit puffy and messy sometimes, I was short and small(not too short though) I had a smaller chest than hers(breats basically) I didn't have a small waist. Although, not wanting to brag, a few males both back at my old home(or house of nightmares I should say) and at the Opera House told me I was rather... er.... large..back..there. I didn't really feel uncomfortable or anything since I was so use to it,heck, some even say I would be mistaken for a countess if I didn't dress so plain. Many would call me beautiful as well but I never really believed it. I'm not comfortable with myself like that. My point is, Christine was everything a man wanted, and I wasn't. She is flawless, talented...flawless... I felt bad about myself whenever I would think of her. Meg also talked about her at times. "Christine used to sing,beautifully might I add.
Christine is very kind. She would have loved you if she had gotten the chance to meet you. Christine is very beautiful. You remind me of her in a way." All these things she would say. This isn't about Christine, it's about Erik... I love Erik...but he will never love me.

Erika POV~
What happened that day with Joanna...the book incident.. was nothing but a moment of lust. I've only ever felt "that" with Christine. I'd never even thought about doing that to Christine because I knew she wouldn't want it, but I burned for that girl. I wanted her so badly. I'd never had "that" with a women before and with Joanna being so close to me, it was a feeling of lust and pleasure, a feeling of wanting physically touch, not love. I could never love anyone but Christine. I chuckled. "Love" I thought. I'd never get love...I could never be loved. Life is a cruel thing that brings pain, and the world is a cruel place where sins invade. Where people judge and turn you away making you feel nothing but pain and sorrow. But love is a beautiful feeling where all that pain and sorrow are taken away... but I would never have one would ever love such a creature as myself.

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