The Cleaner Girl

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I was outside the room of the new cleaning girl.

I was not entirely sure why I was except that I wanted, no, I needed to see her.
There is just something about her...
But I'm quite sure what...yet..
I slowly turned the doorknob and open the door. It was an hour passed midnight, she was asleep thank heavens, and so I silently walked in. Although the room was dark I could still see her and was able to out some of her features.
She had long, dark, curly hair and pale skin, and although she was laying down I could most definitely tell she was a small person.
I stared at her for a moment and thought to myself why I was here. I didn't know this girl, but I would.
I made my way out and back down below.

Morning time-
Joannas POV~

I woke up feeling happy knowing that I wouldn't get beaten that day or any other.I got ready for the day and attended to my cleaning duties. Luckily I was not the only cleaner the Opera house had, there were about 7 other girls who also had jobs as cleaner, so I wouldn't spend all day cleaning. Good thing too, the Opera house was so big it would take me a month to clean it entirely.

Time skip~ three hours later.

I finished my cleaning duties for the day and decided to go back to my room to make it feel a bit more like home, although I don't know what home really feels like... I tried to decorate it and make it look nice but I didn't have much to make it good. I would go out the next day to buy some items to decorate it, I didn't want to go out, I was really nervous, as I mentioned I am a very nervous person and I didn't know the area very well.
  I'll just have to ask a ballet girl if she could show me.
I sat in my room all day reading and writing, I had brought about three books and four journals along with me since I loved to read and write.

I sat as the hours passed, sunlight shinning through the window of my little room. It was nice and cozy, I knew I was going to like it the Opera house.

Eriks POV~

I wanted to visit the girl from the previous day again. I needed to know her more, especially her name. What is her story? I simply needed to know.

I couldn't go just yet, it was still day time and I couldn't afford having someone see me. I would have to go during the night time when it was dark. As I waited for the time to pass I wondered why I'd grown interest in her...
There were plenty of other girls in the Opera House, what made her so special?
  Maybe it was that I could almost see myself in her... When I looked into her eyes the day I first saw her I could see pain and sadness even though she was smiling, I could see her true feelings.
It was as if she needed me in a way, as if she needed someone to help her heal from so much sorrow, someone to... Lover her I might even say.

 But I was not that person, I am still in love with Christine, although she did abandon me and shattered me my heart would always belong to Christine, she will be the first and last women I ever love.

I would help the girl though, she could be useful in a way and perhaps some good company, that is if she would even tolerate me.

Time skip- 5 hours later

It was an hour to midnight and I decided to make my way above.

  I began to wonder how I was to make my introduction to this girl, What would I say?
Would she even listen to me or do as I instruct?

My plan was to bring her back down with me too know her better.
Looking back on it now she probably wouldn't, but it was worth a try.  I had reached her bedroom.

I walked in to find her asleep of course.

I did not want to wake her but I knew I had to if I ever wanted to know her. As I got closer to her she began to move and talk almost as if she was having a nightmare. She sat up in a shock and I rushed to get away from, luckily the room was dark so she didn't see me.

  She covered her face with her hands and began to cry. I felt a bit sorry for her and wondered what she dreamt about and what had happened to her.


   Joannas POV~

I bolted up scared shitless from a nightmare I was having. I dreamt that I was still with my step family and I was getting beaten...hard.

  No matter where I go I'll never escape them I thought

  I'll never mean anything to anyone

I knew what I needed to do.

I got up, put on some shoes and headed to the rooftop...

  When I got there, I began to walk to the edge, I was standing on it holding on to a statue. I knew it was the only way I could truly be free from all misery.

  Just as I was about too, I heard a voice from behind me.
That would hurt an awful lot dear

It said

Eriks POV~

The girl got up from her bed, put on her slippers and proceeded to walkout.

My curiosity got the best of me and I followed her to where she was going.

I then realized she was going to the rooftop.

  What on earth is she doing

I thought to myself

We were now on the rooftop.

She was still crying and began to walk to the far end of the edge on the roof.

I saw her standing as if she was going to jump.

Is she going to jump?!
I couldn't let her... I needed to stop her
I had just met her and had not even talk to her, I didn't even know her name,but I couldn't allow someone to just take away their own life like that.

She was so close to letting go of the statue she was holding on to.

I walked closer to her and spoke up

That would hurt an awful lot dear...

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