Her Name Is Christine

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Eriks POV~~

  I couldn't tell Joanna who Christine was. Mostly because I would have to tell her what I had done to make Christine left her, about me lying who I was to Christine,about me killing Joseph Buquet Piangi. But mostly because I was still in love with Christine and her name broke my heart~

  "Joanna, you don't need to know, she is irrelevant to you."


I cursed myself in my mind.

"It's okay if you don't trust me...I just thought maybe...I could help"

  "No, no you can't" 

"Won't you at least tell me a little bit about her"

"Joanna" I raised my voice. She just didn't know when to stop. I turned not to face her in fear I would start crying again.

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to upset you"
He cuts in

"Her name was Christine. She was.. Is, the love of my life."

Joannas POV~

"Her name was Christine. She was.. Is, the love of my life."  I don't know why, but I felt a little nauseous as those words that came from his mouth. "What happened to her?"  "She left me"
I grew sadder as he said this to me. Why would anyone want to leave Erik? He was the sweetest soul ever to live. I'd only known him for two days but it felt like an eternity, he's been through so much...he saved my life. "Did she love you back"
I realized how stupid my question was since he told me she left him. He turned to me
"No"  I looked down.
"Was it because of your deformity?"
I asked. "Yes" I began to get more anger than sad at this point. Erik was the absolute most greatest person in the world. He was an incredible friend and I just couldn't understand how this Christine girl would want to abandon him just because of how he looks. I have yet to see the masked side of his face but I don't care about his appearance, he's been nothing but caring twords me since I've arrived at the Opera House. Come to think of it, he's the only one who actually cares. In that moment I began to see him differently. I can't quite explain how, but I did. "I'm sorry, you don't deserve that"
"yes I do" I began to get up and walk to where he was standing. "No, you don't" It broke my heart to see him so sad. I was a couple steps away from him but close enough to see his eyes. They were watery as if he was about to cry. ''Yes I do Joanna"
"No..." I reached my hand out to him like he'd done to me before "you don't" He hesitantly took my hand. I stared at him for a moment. "When my step family use to....hurt me, I thought I deserved it as well. I then realized that I didn't." He looked into my eyes and I stared into his. His eyes that could make my knees go weak. Big, beautiful eyes that I could look into forever. I began to have this feeling in my stomach I couldn't explain. The feeling on his hand on mine, it was something else. He let go of my hand and I snapped out of my daze. "You should return to your slumber. Good night" was all he said as he walked away and returned to whatever it was he was doing. I then layed back down on the floor and rested on a pillow that I guessed Erik placed under me when I was sleeping since it wasn't there before. I smiled at the thought that he would've done that for me. I forced myself to sleep again. I had work in the morning.

Eriks POV~

Joanna returned to sleep. I, however, couldn't. I'm not exactly sure why. I glanced over to her every one in a while to make sure she was alright. I stayed up all night, as did every night since Christine left. I felt so alone without her. Maybe that what the reason I saved Joanna on the roof top that night. Maybe she feels lonely just like me. I glanced over at her one more time. I had to help her.

Okay, this chapter was kinda short and im sorry, but I'll try to update more often. Thanks for reading!

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