First Kisses

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Joannas POV~
The day had gone by normally. I attend my job and visited Erik for a while as I usually do after work.
  I returned to my room a little earlier than usual, I couldn't be around him without getting butterflies in my stomach.
There I was, laying upon my bed, book in hand, when suddenly, a knock came upon my door. A soft gentle knock. "Come in" I said. The door slowly opened revealing a head of soft, yellow hair. When seeing the face I realized it was none other than Meg.
"Hello Meg. Nice of you to stop by" I pleasant bluterted before she could say anything. "Hello Joanna. Mind if I stay for a little. I'm dreading going back to the ballet dormitories. All the ladies are quite... uneasy to be around" I knew not what she meant, but I let her stay. "Your always welcomed here"
"Thank you" she responded with a sweet smile across her pale face. I returned a smile as well. I then sat up putting my book down and patting the space beside me, motioning for her to sit next to me. She did. "How is everything dearest?"
"It's alright. Not much to say other than rehearsals and performances."
"Oh, I see. Is that all you do?"
"Yes. Mother rarely let's my leave the Opera House. It's crucial to practice everyday in order to obtain my goal as a professional ballerina"
"Is that what you want?"
She stood silent for a good ten seconds.
"Well I think it is. It's what I've been told my entire life, it must be what I want."
"Well, if it makes you happy, then yes, it is"
We smiled as I waited for her to say something else. As I waiting I began to wonder to myself, Meg is a really nice girl. She's wonderful in every way. She's pretty, kind, and very talented. Has she ever been told? Perhaps maybe she feels unvalued. Maybe I could help somehow.
Though, that wasn't the only thought that ran through my curious little head.
As I said, She was very very pretty and kind...
"Meg.."  I began to say, a bit frightened by the question I was about to ask.  "H-have you ever been... in love?"
"In Sorry, I shouldn't have asked, that's not of my business"
"Well... I don't know about being "in love" but I did have a man involved in my life once."
She nodded.
"How was it? What was it like?"
"It was really nice. I felt happy for once,it was just amazing."
"Forgive me if I'm invading your personal life but have you ever...been kissed?"
She closed her eyes and smiled.
"Yes" she answered
I stared at her for a moment not wanting to say anything in fear I might make her uncomfortable.
"Have you?" She asked
"Ever been kissed?"  I questioned. She again nodded. Truth is... I haven't.
"No"  I looked down. A nineteen year old who's never been kissed. That's something ain't it?
  "Really? I find that hard to believe."
"What do you mean?" I smiled. "You've never been kissed?" I shook my head "no"
"But your so sweet, and very pretty"
"I haven't found anyone... and no one's ever wanted to."
"That can't be true. I'm sure men would die to kiss you"
I stayed quiet.
"Well, when it does happen, it'll be amazing, at least if it's the right person..."
"Is it nice"
"If it's the right person..yes, very very nice"
I smiled.
"I hope so. I hope I did find the right person."
  "Find?? Have your eye on someone specific?" She smirked at me. I cursed in my head for slipping up.
I thought to myself.
"Maybe" I said
"Who?!?!?" She exclaimed.
"No one you know, that's for sure"
"Can I least know his name"
"Ummmm... I don't think he's be comfortable with me telling you that information. Besides he's in love with someone else."
"Oh... Well I'm sure everything will work out. You'll be happy one day."
  "Meg.. I think we've become good friends. Maybe I should tell you..."
I told her my story. Where I come from, what happened to me, my abusive step family. Everything. Well, except for Erik. I could never betray him like that.
  Meg stood still with a look of pity on her face.
"I'm sorry that had to happened to you. You didn't deserve it" she gave me a hug. 
"Thank you"
"And thank you for telling me about this. It makes me happy that you've come to trust me. Christine used to be that way with me"
That name that everyone used so much.
It then came to my mind...though Erik had told me Christine did not have the same feelings for him... had she ever kissed him?

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