Chapter 1

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I stopped in the tree that I had jumped in and looked down, hearing something. My gloved hand clutched one branch beneath me while the other clutched the branch above me, and I waited for whatever I had heard to come out of hiding and into my line of sight.

The noise that I heard stopped in front of the tree that I was in, and I saw that it was a wolf, and this wolf was my mate. He looked around before he shifted into his human form, not knowing that I was there. He pulled on a pair of shorts that he had around his two back legs and pulled out his phone, which happened to stay in them, and looked at the home screen to see what time it was.

He pursed his lips in disgust and looked in the area that I had come from, waiting as if I would come into view at any second. "Where are you, Fox?" he asked, looking at the time again before he looked down the path. "It is almost noon. I thought you'd be here by now."

There was another rustling sound in the bushes, and it caught Lorcian's and my attention. Both of us grew tense until Ethan appeared in human form.

"Ethan," Lorcian said, nodding his head in greeting. He relaxed slightly, sensing that he wasn't in any danger. "Why are you here?"

"Same as you," he said, walking over to him. "Waiting on Jo." He looked around with knowledgeable eyes and folded his arms across his chest. He knew that I was close and knew that I was in a tree somewhere. "She should be here soon, if not now."

Lorcian growled in frustration and moved a hand through his hair. He glared at Ethan, and Ethan only blinked in dissatisfaction because he did not like Lorican glaring at him. "And where would she be? She hasn't crossed the border yet. There had been no reports of her being here."

Ethan snorted and shook his head as if to pity my mate and how he was thinking. "Do you really think that there would be any reports on her?" he asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "We are talking about a female that can make the forest do her bidding."

Lorcian took a deep breath in and nodded his head, letting it out. His whole body relaxed a little more while he curbed his anger. "You're right. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Ethan shrugged, indifferent. "If that is your yelling, then I'd take it over Jo's any day." He shuddered. "She is scary when she is mad and can have multiple yelling conversations at once."

'Settle down,' I scolded, and Ethan fought back a smirk. I rolled my eyes at my best friend, glad to see that not much had changed in the two years that we had not been with each other. 'Not all of my conversations are being yelled at people.'

'Most are,' Ethan replied. He paused, and I could see the pain in his eyes. 'I've missed you.'

I clutched the branch tighter but stayed still because I did not want to give my location to my mate. I had missed my best friend as well, but I couldn't show it to him, not yet, but I would in time.

Lorcian chuckled and shook his head after he thought about it. "I want to see that," he said. "She'll make a great Luna, an even better queen."

"She is nervous about becoming queen," Ethan mused. He didn't flinch when I mentally growled at him, but he did flicker his eyes to the ground in submission.

"Really?" Lorcian asked, furrowing his brows. "Why?"

"Because it is a thing that she never thought she would take. Her father was actually older than Anastasia's father. However, he had never met his mate and gave up his position after Alexia was born."

"Seriously?" Lorcian asked, and Ethan nodded his head in confirmation. He furrowed his brows and cocked his head. "How old would Alexia be if she were alive today?"

Ethan shrugged his shoulder, grimacing while he tried to come up with her age. "Don't know," he replied, honestly. "Anastasia is one hundred and twenty-one. Her birthday just passed last month."

Lorcian nodded his head. "And, she gave up her position to be queen," he mused, and Ethan nodded his head in agreement. "Why?"

I set my jaw while my grip tightened on the branch harder, and I still made sure that I didn't make a sound. There were still people who blamed her and didn't want her to do anything with the Associan group. It didn't help that she was pregnant for the first part of her rehabilitation, and people were worried that the child would turn out like her, Feral and power-hungry.

"The Council does not like her," Ethan said, coldly. "If they had their way and not have Markus nor Blue fighting for her to stay alive, then she would have been executed the second she had stepped foot back into the spotlight "cured.""

"Even though she fought for her cousin to protect her even when she was captured?"

Ethan nodded his head and patted Lorcian's shoulder sympathetically. "Come," he said. "Let's head back house. Maybe she will surprise us and be there."

Lorcian sighed and nodded his head. He looked doubtful that I would be, but I could tell that he hoped that I would. "Let's," he said, moving his hand through his hair and sighing. "Let's hope she is back because I have no idea what I will do if she isn't."

"She will be," Ethan said. He finally looked at the spot I was hiding it, not being able to see me fully but knowing that I was there. "She will be waiting for you."

And with that, I left to go back to the place that had captured me two years ago, to the man that I had fallen in love with slowly but surely as time moved on from the last time we met.

I was not leaving again anytime soon. I just hoped that my cousin would have the same luck that I was having with her mate.

If not, then I prayed she would find her happiness somewhere else. Both she and her daughter needed it.

They Call Me Luna (Book 2 of They Call Me Series)Where stories live. Discover now