Chapter 10

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I walked out of the bathroom a little while later, still grumpy that my mate had decided to cut our makeout session so short.

Even though I knew that it had been steamier than what we should...

I moved a hand through my hair, biting back a small sigh of annoyance while I shook my head and pursed my lips further and narrowed my eyes ever so slightly.

"Awww, don't tell me that you are annoyed to see me," someone teased me on my bed, and I looked that way to see a Dryad laying on my bed with his legs crossed and feet dangling off the bed.

I bit back an annoyed sigh while I slowly closed my eyes, silently debating on whether or not I should interact with him. "Isen," I said coldly while I opened my eyes again before I looked at him, deciding that I would interact with him, even though a part of me didn't want to. "What are you doing here?"

"To see you," he said and shrugged while he stretched and yawned, moving a hand through his hair before he cleared his throat and shifted in my bed with a small smile on his face. "Why else will I be here?"

I growled in annoyance and narrowed my eyes further, earning an impish grin from the man that has been one of my cousin's greatest confidants.

Isen shrugged and grimaced, growing serious while he cocked his head and studied me. "I normally visit Ari around this time, so I was doing that and then I wanted to see how you are doing and settling in. She told me that you had an anxiety attack?" He raised an eyebrow in question, and concern flashed through his eyes while he continued to study me.

I sighed and shook my head, pursing my lips in annoyance. "It's nothing, Isen," I said coldly. I folded my arms across my chest and bit back a small sigh, squeezing my sides while I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I do not know why you are getting worried about what has happened to me."

Isen smiled and switched the crossing of his legs before he stretched out further with a small happy sigh that had me rolling my eyes and scowling. "Because you are Anastasia's cousin, so you are family," he said and tucked his head closer to his chest, "of course." He flashed me a small wink with the smile seeming to grow wider.

I rolled my eyes again and scowled. I didn't say a word and walked over to the bedroom door, deciding that it would be best for me to ignore him, because I knew that he would keep pushing until he got "something" out of me.

Isen cleared his throat when I was about to put my hand on the door handle, and I closed my eyes and sighed, pursing my lips in annoyance while I paused.

"What is it, Isen?" I asked, not turning to face him but keeping my hand an inch from the handle. "What do you want?"

"Are you sure that you want to touch the door handle or open that door before we finish this conversation?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

I closed my hand into a fist above the door handle and growled out a small warning. "What did you do?" I asked coldly, baring my teeth in warning.

Isen shrugged and grimaced. "I told you that I wanted to talk, didn't I?" he asked and raised his eyebrow higher, not answering my question.

Again, I growled in warning and bared my teeth tighter, not knowing what games he was playing and hating him for making me play them, even though all I wanted to do was go and see what my mate was doing.

"And I told you that I did not want to talk," I said. I turned my head to the side while I looked at him, pressing my lips into a thin line. "Do you want me to call Anastasia and tell her that you are annoying me?"

"You can," Isen said and shrugged, looking very nonchalant for someone that was about to get slapped. "But I won't leave until you answer my question."

I rolled my eyes and set my jaw tighter. "Did you do something to the door handle and door or not?" I asked, not answering his question about what happened and what caused me to have an anxiety attack. "Choose your words carefully, Isen, or else your head will be mine."

Isen hesitated before he cleared his throat and shifted on the bed. "Nothing," he said finally with a small shake of his head. "I did nothing to the door handle or to the door itself because I did not want to get hurt."

He cleared his throat again and shifted on the bed while he smiled sheepishly. "Your cousin would kill me if I had done something to it, anyway."

"Exactly." I opened my hand and placed it on the door handle, silently praying that the door would open as soon as I turned the door handle.

I couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief when the door clicked open and moved toward me, and my shoulders sagged as if the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulder.

Oh, thank Goddess...

Isen snorted and rolled his eyes while he got out of bed and started to make his way toward me. "Did you really think that I would do something to the door?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

I shot him an annoyed look before I walked out of the bedroom and started to make my way to one of the living areas where Lorcian told me that he would be after I was done with my shower.

"Come on, Jo Jo," he teased and moved to my side. He nudged my shoulder teasingly with his, and I shot him an annoyed look that didn't seem to bother him because all he did was give me a cheeky grin. "Did you?"

"Shut up, Isen," I grumbled under my breath, earning a small snicker from him. "Yes, I did think that you would have done something because it would not have been the first time."

"Yes it would," he said and nodded, "to you." He shrugged and grimaced before he cleared his throat and shifted ever so slightly to the side. "To others it wouldn't be, but Ans said no magical stuff should happen to you unless she will have my head."

"Hmph." I bit back a small smirk. "Are there any buts, ifs, or unless that she said you could do?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question because I had a small feeling that there would be.

"Yes," Isen confirmed with a nod. "I can do anything magical if it means that it will save your life," he said. "Other than that, you are off limits, and to be honest, I'd rather keep my head on my body."

He rubbed the back of his neck and grinned sheepishly before he cleared his throat and shifted again. "I kind of like it there, don't you agree?"

"No," I replied with a small shake of my head, earning a small gasp from the male beside me. "I do not."

"Rude," he said with a small sniffle when he folded his arms across his chest and jutted his chin to the side with another sniffle. "And here I am actually checking on you to make sure that everything is fine with you and help you if you need it." He sniffled again and wiped a fake tear from his eye and moved further away from me. "I should just go, then."

"Goodbye, Isen," I said, silently praying that he would actually do what he said he would do and leave me the fuck alone.

Isen gasped again and placed his hand over his mouth. "Fine, be that way, Jo Jo. I see how it is," he said before he disappeared from view.

I didn't breathe a small sigh of relief or relaxed because I knew that he was still there and following me even if I couldn't see him, and I couldn't help but pray that he would get the hint soon and leave me alone if I continued to ignore him, even though I knew that it wouldn't be possible because he loved waiting and would wait a million years if he wanted to until I acknowledged him and give him the information that he so desperately desires.

Oh, Goddess, help me...

They Call Me Luna (Book 2 of They Call Me Series)Where stories live. Discover now