13: Sleep Over (Part 2)

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huhu guys! I'm so sorry. I feel like I'm a bad author. i don't even know if I can still talk to you guys! :'( I'm really sorry.


I took my older brother's old clothes. Since he's gone to Hawaii... and I rarely see him because he's so busy. I also took a thick blanket and went out. I saw him looking around the portraits on the table.

"Don't be nosy, will you? And here's the clothes." He looked up just in time to catch the clothes I threw him. "And here's the blanket too." And I threw it at him again, and it landed on his face. He removed it and he looked at me.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"Yeah, whatever. Just clean up first." I said as I walked to the kitchen. "Hungry?" I asked him.

"Starving!" He shouted. I chuckled and prepped up something to eat. Since the bathroom is near the kitchen, I can hear the water running and I can also hear him sing 'Paradise'. I giggled and I quietly sang along. I enjoyed the song. It sounded kind of sullen and mysterious... and I liked it. As I fried an egg, I heard the door click open and he went out. He was wet and only his bottom part was covered. I looked away since I can see the him from outside the kitchen because there wad basically a large opening...I hope you know what I mean xD

"Are you serious?!" I shouted.

"Oops! Sorry! I got a little carried away, I felt like I'm at home. I'm just gonna grab the clothes and go back in." He said.

"Ppalli!" I yelled. I heard his footsteps (our floor is made out of wood) and the bathroom door close. I sighed and placed the egg carefully on top of the mixed rice.


I sat down facing him as he gobbled up his food. It's like he hasn't been eating since yesterday.

"Wahh~ you're like a dog." I taunted. He ate his seaweed salad and he glared at me. We made faces at each other and I continued drinking my lemonade since he was so childish.

I noticed that he was catching glances at me and he was starting to eat slowly too. I tried not to look at him, but he was not trying to be subtle at all.

"Yah! Why are you looking at me?" I kinda yelled. He looked at me like I was overreacting, but then he looked like he wanted something.

"Well, I was thinking of asking something." He said.

"Then ask! Don't stare at me like your some kind of weirdo." I told him. I saw him mouthing the word 'mean' then he placed some kimchi in his mouth.

"Because.." he started then he swallowed. "maybe if I ask you, you might just shout at me." He said.

"It depends on the question. If it's stupid, I might." I told him.

"Fierce, you are." He said. I gave him a sarcastic grin and just nodded at him, telling him to ask me the question.

"I really don't remember if I asked you this before... but it is stupid asking since it's really obvious," He paused.

"Go on." I said.

"..I mean," he started again like he didn't hear anything. "I know you guys are probably dating now, and-"

"HEY HEY HEY! WAIT A SECOND! DATING? WHO?!" I asked as I stopped him from talking. He looked at me like he's weirded out.

"You and Jonghyun." He said plainly. I tried hard not to laugh. Is he serious?

"You really think so?" I asked. He nodded.

"What made you say that?" I added.

"Well...you two kissed-"

"And what if I told you were not?" I broke him off again.

Matchmade In Heaven (Kim Myungsoo/L of Infinite Fanfic) SLOW UPDATEWhere stories live. Discover now