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To every single one of my lovely readers,
There aren't words to describe how grateful, honored, and completely bewildered I am with the love and support I have gotten with this book.
It started out as a very, very wild concept which included my interest in criminality and my love for Jake Gyllenhaal. I never knew it would become something so much more!
I wrote this with the intention of it being kind of like a script. As if it were a film before your eyes. This was the only way I envisioned these plots and characters. I really wanted to create a story that would not only make you guess, but also make you feel as if you were there living in the exact moment in which you were reading. Be it sitting in a sticky booth in Augustine's at the early morning hour of 6 a.m., or simply following and watching Jake a few yards back on one of his late night scourges. I wrote everyone with complete perception and pure emotion in mind.
This story was so much fun to create and twist as it progressed. I hope that you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am going to miss these characters and their hectic world!
I do want to make some things clear, though. Trepidation dealt with a lot of sensitive topics and situations which I, in reality, do now support at all or would ever endorse. The story, in short, is about a serial killer couple who basically kills anyone who gets in the way of them living a "happier" life. I do not think murder should be glorified. I also do not think acts of suicide and mental illness should be laughed at or taken lightly. I understand that these topics are serious and should be handled as such.
Killing or harming someone else or even yourself in attempts to "better your life" or be with someone in attempts to woo them is never, never a good idea. It just isn't. There are people who really, really care and people who love you even if you think the world is out to get you and you have nothing else in this world. I am one of those people who care and are always here if you need to vent or just chat. The world can be scary but there is so much life and things to be happy about. You are never alone.
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can never express my gratitude enough for all of the love. You all inspire me to keep writing.


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Trepidation || j. g ||Where stories live. Discover now