"I feel bad for the people who never go crazy."
Trepidation (n): a feeling
of fear or
that may happen.
Athena Williams is a quiet and hardworking girl wit...
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PEOPLE have been wondering about a certain "cult-classic couple" who went on a murdering spree for nearly three years in the late nineties. Jake and Athena Abbey became a constant topic of discussion following their morbid and otherwise known as gruesome trip across the north western part of the United States. There is more we know as a society about these events today, but there is still some debating. Who exactly were they? What happened to cause this carnage that stretched across three years? Even after twenty years of consistent whispers and guesses, the case has not gotten any less interesting or psychologically boring to those who have lived through it or after it. Specifically, many have been stuck on the factors surrounding the conclusion of the infamous court case in the spring of 1999.
Jacob Anthony Abbey and Athena Rosamond Williams were natives of a small town named Ike in Nevada. The town at the time of their inhabitance was a whopping one hundred and twenty-two people, according to the U.S Census. The town occupied only a 50 mile radius south of Las Vegas.
Abbey and Williams were said to have gone through High School with one another, with Jake being new to town during his freshman year of school. The two had never formally met but were said to have met briefly through an innocent encounter in the hallway when the two were in their junior year.
Athena Williams was the daughter of Dennis Williams, a well known oil-rig employee and alcoholic. In a string of interviews with the people of Ike following the arrest of Athena and Jake in 1998, citizens claimed Williams Sr. to be "unpleasant," and "not very amiable to anyone he encountered" (The Abbey's, 2001). The then twenty year old Athena spent her days and nights working aimlessly in the towns only diner called Augustine's, which was run by Nancy Delaney-a woman who genuinely cared and looked out for Athena through her father's emotional absence. Delaney was shell-shocked, sources say, upon hearing about Athena's involvement in the string of murders that rocked the West and Midwest region of the United States.
Athena Williams was described as a shy introvert who never bothered a soul. To her regulars at Augustine's, she was said to be "very sweet and timid" while taking orders and pouring steaming cups of coffee in the early hours of six a.m every Monday through Sunday. There she would make close friends of waitress Allie York and cook Dan Houghton who she shared every minute with until her shift would come to an end. The two employees refused to comment on Athena or the crimes she committed with beau Jake Abbey. The two are said to still be working at the diner in Augustine's.
Jake Abbey did not have friends and did not seem to care about that fact. When speaking to natives of Ike; specifically his former manager, Jimmy Keller, who oversaw Jake when he was employed at his Vinyl shop just off Main Street, had little to say about him.