Chapter Three: Their Arrival

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We are about to have a time skip. Imagine if I wrote three years worth of chapters before I got to the Fellowship lol.


Three years had passed. Adara was still living at Imladris. Her grasp of Sindarin and the other languages of Middle Earth was much better than when she had first arrived. Adara had also travelled some more around Middle Earth on her own. She wanted to gain experience with travelling long distances and learning how to survive off the land like a Ranger so whenever she could, she'd pack her bag, gather her weapons and off she'd go to wherever her feet led her.

She was back home now though. Although she wasn't sure when the rest of the Hobbits and Aragorn were to appear in Imladris, she knew that it would be some time soon. Gandalf had been found on their borders about two weeks ago and Frodo had only been brought here by Glorfindel and Arwen just two days ago. He was still resting. Adara had finally met the old Wizard but she had to admit that while she didn't have anything against him, she didn't like him much either. He bore too much of a resemblance to Dumbledore, whom she never really liked.

Adara was sat in the courtyard just lying down in her emerald green dress on one of the benches gazing up at the sky when she heard a loud ruckus and shouts. She sat up suddenly looked around at her surroundings before standing and rushing towards where she thought the noises were coming from. Rounding a corner, she found a man and three big children or really small men. Each of them looked as if they had been to hell and back. The three children seemed to be arguing with the man about how they just wanted to see Frodo. Her mind finally caught up with herself when she realised that she had just found four members of the Fellowship. The Hobbits yelling became louder and louder when finally she decided to interrupt them.

"Do the four of you require assistance?," she asked them softly in Sindarin. She knew that the Hobbits did not speak Sindarin, she merely wanted to see how they would react. It had the desired effect as the bickering immediately stopped and the three small men began to splutter and come up with a response.

She smiled at the three of them happily before lifting her eyes to look at their companion. He was indeed very handsome with beautiful blue eyes and dark chin length hair although he did look as if he had not showered in quite some time. Looking at the four of them, it finally registered in her mind just exactly who they were.

"You must be the three Hobbit companions of Frodo and you must be Estel?" She questioned them, switching to Common Tongue. Aragorn narrowed his eyes at her but nodded nonetheless. He did not know who this young lady was and would so be on his guard around her.

She smiled brightly before motioning for them to follow her as the long skirt of her emerald dress billowed around her almost as if it was floating beautifully. "I am Adara," she told them. "It is a pleasure to meet you all." Adara smiled a beautiful smile as she looked at the group over her shoulder, her long copper hair cascaded down her back in soft waves.

"I am sure that Estel could very well lead you around Rivendell but I'm bored so I thought I could show you to your rooms." They stopped outside a set of doors as she pointed out that these were their rooms. The Hobbits rushes inside leaving Adara and Aragorn alone.

She turned to him, finding the Ranger staring at her intently, obviously assessing whether or not she was a true danger to the group. Adara only smiled. "Would you like anything of me, my Lord?" The Ranger shook his head before responding, "Hannon le." (Thank you) She nodded at the Ranger before walking away from him to find something to entertain herself with.

Adara simply returned to the courtyard bench but instead took a book with her this time. She knew that her days of peaceful reading was going to end soon so she would do as much of it as she could now while she still could.

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