Aubrey had only been here two days and her mother was making her go to school, even though it was the last week before they got out for summer. She woke up with an annoyed grunt and stumbled out of her bed. Her foot got caught in the sheet causing the blonde to fall with a loud THUMP.
"What a great way to start off your day, Aubrey." Aubrey mumbled to herself before standing up and walking to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and blow dried her hair. She threw on a purple and white striped t-shirt along with some high waisted shorts. She threw on a random pair of socks and quickly slipped on her shoes.
She put in her contacts and trailed down the hallway to make sure Cara was up. When she noticed her sister's absence from her bed, that answered her question. She walked down the steps and into the kitchen. Her mother was still asleep causing Aubrey to roll her eyes.
She grabbed an apple, rinsed it off, and quickly ate it. Cara trailed down the steps and Aubrey handed her an apple which she quickly consumed.
"Come on, we're gonna be late." Aubrey said as she grabbed her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. She tossed Cara her's and the siblings went out of the door. They both grabbed their bikes and rode to the school. There were so many kids and Aubrey was already regretting today. She chained her bike to the bike rack, her sister copying her actions.
"Be good okay? Wait for me after school." Aubrey lightly demanded of her sister who just nodded. She walked into the building and made her way to the office. She quickly gave her name to the person at the front desk, and Aubrey was ordered to wait for her tour guide.
She sat there for about five minutes before a young girl with beautiful long red hair walked through the door. She had freckles dotting her face, and the most gorgeous eyes. She turned to look at Aubrey and gave her a perfect smile. Aubrey gave a small one back and stood up.
"You ready for the tour?" The redhead asked and Aubrey nodded her head. They walked out of the office building and went down the now empty hallway.
"So, what's your name?" The redhead asked. Aubrey looked at her before quietly saying, "Aubrey McClain."
"Well, Aubrey McClain, I'm Beverly Marsh. Welcome to Derry. Where are you from?" Beverly asked looking at the blonde.
"I'm from London." Aubrey answered with a shy smile.
"Oh cool!" Beverly said with a smile and Aubrey lightly chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess."
Beverly showed her around the whole school before leading her to the first class that she had.