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Aubrey had sat in her house for weeks doing nothing. Beverly had come over at least once at week, sometimes more, but besides that Aubrey had stayed cooped up inside. She hated it. She felt like she was back in London. She had cried so much the first week that she couldn't cry anymore. She felt so drained. So exhausted. The only good thing that came out of the argument was that Aubrey got the chance to spend more time with Cara.

Little did she know, her world was about to turn upside down. Aubrey climbed into the flame-like bath water, sinking down into it until her head was almost under. When she went to go back up to catch her breath, her head was suddenly shoved under the water. Aubrey started to panic. She tried to push the hand off her head, but to no avail. She felt her body give in and the last thing Aubrey saw before she blacked out was golden eyes.


Aubrey stood there in the darkness of her mind. A grey light appeared as a memory flashed in front of her eyes.

"I think I like her. I-I don't know what to do, Cara." Aubrey cried. She was freaking out, pacing back and forth as she ran a hand through her blonde locks.

"Why don't you tell her?" Cara asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Because I'm scared of what she's going to say." Aubrey huffed before flopping backwards onto the bed. Her hands covered her face as her sister let out a laugh. Aubrey peeked through her fingers so that she could look at her sisters whilst raising an eyebrow.

"I knew you were oblivious, but I didn't know you were that oblivious." Cara laughed. Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" Cara let out a scoff before smiling at her sister.

"Sis, I see the way that she looks at you. It's the same exact way you look at her."

"Oh, that's bullshit." Aubrey rolled her eyes before moving her hands from her face and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh, but it's not." Cara chimed. Aubrey gave her a look and Cara just sighed. Aubrey sat up and turned her body to face her younger sibling. Cara placed her hands on Aubrey's shoulder, forcing the blonde to look into her eyes. "Aubrey, trust me. Tell her how you feel. She'll feel the same. I promise you."

"But what if-"

"Stop with the what if's!" Cara snapped. "Take a chance for once in your life! You're never going to live if you continue to be afraid!"

Fear. The word afraid made the echoing memory disappear. It made all the memories of the clown appear. The clown forcing Cara to slit her own throat. The blood that seeped from the wound making a puddle beneath her feet. The blood that decorated Beverly's bathroom. The clown that tried to make the dead bodies of her little sister and best friend attack her. The clown that put three large gashes into Ben's skin. The clown that ruined everything. The clown that took away Georgie Denbrough. The clown that started everything.

Aubrey came back for just a moment. It was a very very quick moment. And what she saw forced her to replay it over and over again in her dark mind until she understood what it was. All she saw was the clowns opened face. His hand was clamped around Beverly's throat as she tried to claw away from him, telling him she wasn't afraid of him. I'm not afraid of you either, you bastard; Aubrey thought. A faint orange-ish glow appeared on Beverly's face. Aubrey watched as her eyes became blank and drained of all color before the clown let go of the redhead, her body floating upwards into the air.

Aubrey watched as the clowns face closed back up, going to what it regularly was before it turned toward Aubrey. A menacing smile covered his face before he started toward the girl. Aubrey didn't know what happened after that, the next thing that she saw was the very welcoming darkness.

 Aubrey didn't know what happened after that, the next thing that she saw was the very welcoming darkness

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Authors note: Shorter chapter, I'm sorry. I hope you all enjoyed!

Until next time! Bye lovelies!



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